Category Archives: Photography

I was passing the studio the other day

The only snag with time travelling back to the 1930’s is if you get caught out time travelling. Its fine if I put on the Clara Johnson look, as no one is the wiser, but if I forget, or the camouflage vanishes, well…

So there I was, coolly back in 1933, walking past Warner’s studio, when I felt a hand on my shoulder, and a voice said, “Clara, so good to see you, we need you for a photo shoot right away. Just go put on a sexy dress, get down to the stills studio, and get it done.”

Well, given I didnt want her to get into trouble, what can I say, I went along with it. Short dress, showing lots of leg, enough to get the men excited, and all that. Up until yesterday, no concern, never seen recently, so I assumed it had got conveniently lost, until it hadnt!

1930s me

OK, anyone who believed that story, you’re way too innocent, even if it looks like it was taken 85 years ago, lol. Actually, it was taken about 5 years ago, but you have to admit, it has the look of something far more vintage. This fact is down to the talent of a friend named Frank, nothing to do with time travel, or studio photo shoots at Warner’s in 1933. But yes, look at those legs, lol, all me!

I assume its all done with one of these modern computer filter things, to turn this

2nd Photoshoot picture 4

into my 1930’s self! I actually posted it for a Myrna Loy ‘homage’ photo contest, said jokingly that it should look more 1930’s, and lo and behold…

But fine, if you really want to think that the first picture is genuinely me, taken in 1933, and that the second one is a colourised version of it, then fine. But which is the true story, you decide! 😉

So, you might then be asking, what was Clara doing at Warner’s in 1933, in the first place? Well, unsurprisingly, it was for one of those magical Buzby Berkeley musical numbers. Clearly she was a competent swimmer, as she is in this, see if you can spot her? Easiest in the fountain section, but you do see her in the pool too. So…?

Anyone want to complete the job?

Last Sunday, given I had the house to myself, and being in a silly mood, I decided to do something I hadnt done since Christmas, and hadnt done decently since Hollywood, do a few selfies. But yes, the emphasis was, on being silly. So, I put on a metallic silver dress I bought cheap in Primark several years ago, and had probably never worn in the end, because of length issue (its above the knees, for heavens sake!), and to save people’s eyes, put on a pair of metallic silver leggings, to match.

Eventually, and I mean, eventually, I managed to get a couple of decent ones, so I saved them. Then, being extra silly, I went and got my Cyberman helmet that I still own, and did a few more wearing that. Believe me, you have no idea how much “fun” it is, trying to take pictures of yourself while wearing that!

Alright, that wasnt the end of the fun, as when I went to download them on to here, I couldnt find my USB connector to do so. So fine, I had a hunt around, still couldnt find it, so I paid out for a new one on Amazon. Yes, all of £4, so I’ll survive! So today, I finally got everything together, and loaded them on to here, and I thought I’d better share a couple.

So firstly, the full length one of me, dressed in a silver look, but before the Cybermen got me (I wish!)

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

Oh, and secondly, a close up one, after the Cybermen had upgraded me

Digital Camera

Digital Camera

If anyone wants to complete the process, properly for me, I’d love it! Equally, if anyone (within reasonable distance, ideally) wants to take some photos properly of me, dressed fully in silver, then feel free to offer. Snag, I’ve got no money to pay a fortune for images, just saying…

Right, the video. Well, who’s the most famous robot of all time, in my opinion at least? Yes, we’re talking about a 20’s creation here. Oh, lets see…

The best laid plans, and all that…

Yes, fine, the title of the blog gives away the fact that today hasnt gone quite to plan, even for a birthday, right? Yes, right! The beauties of asking complex questions of someone who’s native language clearly wasnt English. Ah well…

I gained a friend over on Facebook, someone in Australia, who I dont know, but was seemingly friend, of a friend, and all that. Given he posted some gorgeous pictures, both old, and created, I happily accepted him. Shrewd move, as next thing I know, he’s adding a gorgeous photo of a 30’s lady to my timeline, which I absolutely adored. Today, when I get up, I discover another photo, this one of me, designed as a sort of birthday card thing. Loved it, as did a few others.

So this afternoon, not wanting to just post them on here, without his permission, I sent him a message, asking if it was OK to do so. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I think he thought I was objecting to him just using the photo of me, and got an apology back, and discovered he’d removed (or at least, made dormant) that Facebook account. Yes, fine, maybe I should have at least saved them to my collection in advance, but I never dreamt he’d do that! Yes, not a happy bunny!

The rest of the day, well, another job rejection, another phone interview set up, but fine the frustration really is getting to me now. I’m also waiting on the magic news from the Council about paying my rent, thought I’d have heard by now, but anyway…

Only other news, I got cash for my birthday, so I’ve pretty much decided I will go over Elland on Saturday night, spend it on that, seems a good way to do so. And yes, play at spotting Jean Harlow on the big screen!

Fine, the video. You could say this is how I feel about events re those pictures this afternoon!

David Bailey, beware!

And yes, that title is immensely tongue in cheek, believe me!

Nowadays, nearly everyone (with the exception of me) owns a mobile phone, that enables them to not only make phone calls, and send text messages (I remember those days), but acts as a camera, and a pretty good connection to the internet as well. Me, I’m delighted that my US phone doesnt have a camera facility, and all these clever tricks, I’d never use them.

But yes, fine, a trip to Hollywood really does require some photographic evidence, so needs must…But not a phone, I’ve bought a proper digital camera! Only a little Vivitar one, but enough for me to snap pictures of my trip, and in all honesty, I think thats all I need it for. OK, fine, I might get back into more serious camera work, but dont hold your breath.

So, for a first, other than pics that Kate has taken, and passed on to me, you might get ‘live’ pics on the blog next month! Including, quite possibly, some of me. I have been told I have to get photos taken of me at that party, so…you will, you will!

Anyway, one of the crazes that has developed out of having cameras on the mobile phone, is something called the selfie. Yes, you know it, you hold the mobile phone up, aim it at yourself, and take a picture. Or as my dear friend Angel De Light does, you stand by a mirror, and take a picture of the reflected image. So fine, as one of my test shots, to prove that I could still operate a camera, and more importantly, could transfer the image from camera to computer successfully, I took a selfie. Here it is

Digital Camera

I know, those boobs! 😀

But yes, generally I only plan to use it for more normal photos of myself (taken by others), and plenty of famous landmarks around Los Angeles. But the odd selfie (and they will be odd until I get the hang of the best way to take them) might just appear, if you’re good.

The video, oh fine, not original