Category Archives: Doctors

Turning Marion Davies

Oh fine, I suspect that with the exception of maybe a small handful of people, if that many, the title is lost on my readers. Dont worry, I will explain, and even the video has a clever connection too!

I trust by now that all my readers know I’ve got osteoporosis related back issues, which leads me to take painkillers (of a decent level), and use a gel on my back, to help keep the pain down. Fine, they are also aided by a back brace corset, that I might use as much for the corset like effects, as the back pain effects, but fine, it helps with both, OK?

Anyway, today was the day to visit the surgery, discuss the situation, and see where we go from here. Basically, just as I thought things were getting a little better, and that maybe I could ease up slightly on the meds, winter struck! No, not Alaskan style, but cold enough for the temperatures to get down to the low 20’s, which did my back no good whatsoever, even with the brace! Outcome of that, for the winter at least, some more tablets to take, not less! Still, if it helps with my condition, no complaints from me! Well, fine, the cost of 2 prescriptions, instead of 1 isnt great when you’ve cut back on your working week, but anyway…

Oh fine, why Marion Davies, I hear you asking!

On a truthful, but none too serious basis, my nurse suggested that I move somewhere a lot warmer for the winter than Yorkshire! Actually, if practical, would make a lot of sense, given the heat would obviously do my very sore joints the world of good. Yes, true, as I discovered in September, when I was away. Benidorm was her suggestion, mine unsurprisingly was California, though in truth, neither are going to happen in my current financial position, unless…?

Back in the 1920’s, a certain young film star, and a wealthy newspaper magnate got together, though they never got married. Why, because said newspaper magnate was already married, and his catholic wife wouldnt divorce him. So arrangements were agreed, and William Randolph Hearst, took Marion Davies as his partner, and courtesan. Yes, wife in every sense but one. To be honest, he didnt do her movie career any favors, she was a great comic actress, he wanted her to play more serious roles, and given he had the money, and the power…Seriously, consider checking out one of her silent, comedic roles, and enjoy. ‘The Patsy’ is my personal favorite, for the impersonations she does, but any available will be a treat.

I know, I’m not a film star, and I doubt any newspaper magnate would ever be attracted to me, but besides all that…If there is some wealthy person who wants me as their courtesan (I’m bi, if that helps?) somewhere warm/hot, ideally with connections to movie/theater roles, or who has a robot fetish, who wants to help heal my back with some heat, let me know. But put it this way, I wont die waiting, no expectations on that front, lol! But fine, anyone prepared to pamper, and look after a lady, in need of some heat in her joints, anywhere would be fine! No, again, I dont expect to get crushed with offers!

Right, the video. There is actually a Marion Davies connection in this. Kirsten Dunst actually played her in a movie, ‘The Cat’s Meow’ about an incident that happened on Hearst’s luxury yacht in the early 20’s. This video is a fine example of the strangeness of life in Japan, I guess?

Arthritic, and we’re ancient

But I dont drive an Ice Cream van. Sadly, I suspect the vast majority of my readers wont get that comment at all, at least not until they click on one of the videos! Yes, a bonus blog, though sadly, not for a good reason, just that my back is living up to the title of the blog, nothing more.

Its fair to say that for far too many years, I’ve suffered with intermittent back issues, mainly of the joints locking up type, probably related to the amount of arthritic joints I have, to various degrees, and my back is one of the longer term ones. Normally it will hurt for about 24-48 hours max, and then return to a level that I can cope with, even if some might not call it comfortable. But yes, when you’ve had joint issues, and aches since the age of 10, you get used to it.

Snag is, this time around, its been about 7-10 days! Most of that time, its been in the range where I could ‘just about’ get to and from work, and do a day at work, but the last couple of days, not so good. So I finally had to wave the white flag, and take time off work with it. Today, firstly, that involved a trip to the Doctors surgery, to seek medical advice. I know, appointment on the same day, wow! Yes, it was the Surgery nurse, but in truth, thats all I really needed.

Fine, fun moment, she couldnt find me on the records. It is actually my first visit under my new name, but under 3 guises, I’ve been registered there since 2005. Even trying under the old names, no joy. Anyway, to cut it short, some hydro-cortisonal cream, and painkiller prescriptions later, and a form to go and get my back X-Rayed at the hospital (which will be tomorrow morning), I was off again. Yes, I had one of those ‘How much?’ moments with 2 prescription items, but I guess if you only buy these things once every eternity, its not too bad, I guess?

After that, was the work related Occupational Health appointment over the phone, explaining everything again, letting them know what had been prescribed, and said X-Ray screening, their advice was to do all that, and to stay off work until next Monday, and hope its cleared by then. Yes, I hope its cleared by then, too! So a call to work to update them on everything, then start to use the cream. Yes, it has a mild steroid count, so thats my Olympics career over, lol! It was anyway, but…

I guess the results of the X-rays will be interesting, though I suspect at fast approaching 60, a lot of my issues are just down to my age? But fine, I have to say it, if they find something that needs surgery, at least it will take the choice over the matter out of my hands, which has to be good? Osteoporosis? Why not, I seem to have suffered several ‘woman’ issues over the years, so it wouldnt totally surprise me! But generally, yes, I’m just ancient!

Which leads us to the videos tonight. Yes, 2 of the same song, but very different stylings. Firstly, the full length version, which presumably was the one used on the album?

Secondly, a version of the same song, but so different to the original, and probably not so often heard. No Tammy Wynette, but otherwise…

Oh, and lastly, if I do need surgery, can I please, please have a new internal body system like this one?

Hiding something away

Its fair to say nowadays that I’m pretty happy with most of my body, even more so given that no hormones have been involved in this transformation, though I do wonder if hypnosis has somehow activated all those female hormones laying latent within me, and brought about some amazing changes.

So alright, my boobs arent huge, but then again, a number of natural women arent really any bigger than me, though possibly they have more of a full curve than mine do at present, but quite possibly they are getting there. And maybe the waist and hips ratio isnt perfect, but its not bad either! The chin and hairline, well they arent doing badly either. So all in all, seemingly for a good majority of people, if not more, I seem to pass as a woman. Of course the irony is that you only hear when people dont think you pass generally, because otherwise, lets face it, why would you say anything to a woman about looking like a woman?

So it comes down to one thing that annoys me about my body, irony is, I’m generally the only one that sees it! But even so, yes, the penis lurking down there does annoy somewhat! And yes, I would love to be able to hide it from view, if not more.

The one thing you never know with these blogs, is who your readers are. Alright, I have a good idea about some (yes James, that does include you lol), but others, well you dont know who they are, or what their talents are. There may be no doctors, designers, inventors or otherwise, but if you dont ask, you dont find out.

So to the medical readers, the question is, is there some way of raising the penis and balls (surgically or otherwise) so that they either disappear completely from sight, or pretty much do so. All I’m interested in is enough to make going to the toilet possible, and beyond that,…and lets face it, a girl should have labia lips anyway. Complete change would be great, but as I’ve said before, I’ve really not the fight at my age to take on the Leeds NHS again, and that would all take time anyway, and at my age, well, the sooner something changes, the better.

Designers, inventors, whatever you wish to be called, this next bit is for you. Could something be designed to fit over the penis and balls in such a way as to just leave an opening for toilet needs, and nothing more? And by this, I mean something that can be worn pretty much on a permanent basis, not the odd day here or there. I know its covered up, but it would be lovely if when I lowered the pants, I didnt see him there!

And no, not looking for a freebie or anything, though I wouldnt say no, but dont expect it. If the gadget, or ‘surgery’ really worked, then it would be more than worth the cost, simply because its the only thing I need to get done for a pretty remarkable change to a natural woman anyway. Or at least the look of one, as bits would not get removed (presumably?) of course.

So, if the right person reads this, or someone who does, and knows the right person who could, then please let me know. Oh, and if any wealthy benefactor out there wants to buy me a boob job for Christmas lol…not sure I want them huge, just fuller really, but…I cant afford, or justify the cost to myself, thats for sure. They at least are blooming, more important to me is the disappearance of something else, if only from visible sight.

Oh, dont worry, the video is coming, I do wonder how many look at these choices too? Maybe this is a bit cheeky, as I’m not natural, or even post op, but it certainly works for me as my mindset at least