Category Archives: Easter Bunny

I am the Easter Bunny!

Oh fine, given that today was not only Easter Sunday, but April Fools Day, I thought I’d better come up with a silly title for today’s blog! Mind, if someone wants to get me a suitable bunny outfit (either of the animal, or if feeling brave, the Playboy kind), then I’ll wear it, and have a picture (or more) taken of me wearing it, and post them on here! I think the full cover animal type bunny outfit would be wiser at my age, but each to their own lol! Cant say that the other wouldnt be a lot of fun to wear, mind!

Seemingly this is the first time that these 2 dates have coincided for 62 years (Thanks, Google), though it happened 4 times last century in total. I’ll try not to repeat this blog in 11 years time, when this is next due to happen, even if I am still alive by then, but not making any promises on that!

In truth, I remember some great April Fools Day spoofs on TV when I was a child, including the famous (at the time at least, probably not now, more than 50 years on), of the pasta growing on trees in Italy being harvested. Yes, now I know how pasta is made, but as a 5 year old child, who had never seen the stuff before, I didnt even realize at the time that it was an April Fool, and not a genuine news article.

Since then, its fair to say there have been some that were almost believable, some that clearly weren’t, and all degrees in between. I saw one today, one of these hotel search websites. Advertised a mobile room service, in what looked like a standard camper van, which apparently was a fake. But if you think about it, a mobile bed service, for people who have had too much to drink to go home safely, makes a lot of sense really? Oh, and if some rich entrepreneur type sees this, sets up such an idea, and makes his millions, I want my cut lol!

But yes, given the chance of me still doing this in 11 years has to be slim, at best, if anyone wants to April Fool me (belatedly) by making me have photos taken in any kind of bunny outfit, you’d better get to it this year. Be bad enough at 60, but at 71, seriously…?

OK, video time. Closest I could think of, relating to a bunny was this!