Category Archives: Carry On Spying

Strange fantasies

I have mentioned here before that I write, for the sake of politeness, lets call it science fiction. I’m no one famous, as I have equally mentioned, its on the internet only, but lets just say that some of it might be termed adult, and some of it might be termed a bit weird!

The inspiration for all this, well I blame the like of Dr Who, Star Trek, Lost In Space and the like as a child. In teen years, I’m inclined to blame Metropolis and Carry On Spying! So yes, I have a strange, but interesting fascination with robots, brainwashing, and the use of one to transform a human into a robot.

As I say, beyond TV and films, I have no idea where this all came from. After all, its not the sort of stuff that the everyday person fancies happening to them, but I got intrigued by, and hooked on the ideas threrein. And even more strangely, its never really gone away.

I guess its because its a fantasy thats never really likely to actually happen that it appeals to me, I suspect if I was actually about to be brainwashed, and turned into an obedient robot by someone, then I’d probably fight it as much as the next person. But part of me does say, would I really, or would I just lay back and enjoy the whole experience? Who really knows, and lets face it, as technology stands, the question is purely moot.

I suspect at least some of it relates back to my transgender issues, and the fact that being transformed into a mindless, obedient robot would take away all those concerns I’ve had over the years about my physical (as opposed to mental) body that I’ve had. I hated my body for what it was, so changing it for a robot one, ideally female, would be a very good deal for me in that sense. I certainly used to be what is termed submissive, but its fair to say that events, plus hypnosis has cleared all that out of my system. But the robot transformation/brainwashing thing still remains, interesting, isnt it?

Let me add, that at this point, I’ve never been hypnotised to be like a robot, so have no idea just how blank a mental state that is, I’ve only been hypnotised for beneficial reasons. One day I’d love to do a scene where I really felt like I was about to be transformed in this way, it might be the only way i ever get this fantasy out of my head! Or would that just ingrain it deeper?

No video, just a fun outfit to tantalise you,

And this might just be me

Anyone out there want to fulfil a middle aged woman’s fantasy lol?