Category Archives: 90’s pop

Let me entertain you?

In truth, given that accordingly to the stats at least, the vast majority of my readers are in the US, I’m probably expecting as big a response to this as, well, not a lot, but if I give enough notice? No, even then, lol, I dont expect American, Delta, Virgin or anyone else to be bombarded with applicable flight bookings from US!

The first time I heard a bell ring in the reception area at the hospital in Leeds, on the floor where the radiotherapy sessions are done, I wondered what was going on. But fine, being a ‘nosy bitch’, at a suitable moment, I went to find out what it was all about. What it was all about is that at the end of a significance part of your treatment process (mainly last radiotherapy session), people are gently encouraged to ring said bell, to signify the significant moment to others. Yes, you’re right, I’m planning to do it.

Well, to give all a clue, my last session is booked for the 6th December, at 12.05 pm, so if all goes to plan, I reckon I will be ringing said bell about 12,20 pm or so (believe me, timing will be approximate) at St James Hospital, Leeds to signify the end of the sessions, and more exhaustively for me at present, the end of travelling to and from Leeds every day for 6 weeks (which I am currently finding harder, lol) at varying hours of the day! Then starts the 4 week recovery period, in which there are a couple of nice events (and no, Boris, I dont mean the General Election) happening, one of which should be pretty obvious to all, lol.

But yes, if anyone should want more details on venue, time, or other things, feel free to comment, or email at and I will provide them happily. Though if you do the former, please provide an email address, if I dont already have one for you.

No, I’m not expecting a rush, or indeed anyone really to turn up from here, but now you’ve got 4 weeks to plan, check your calendar, or whatever you need to do. Yes, if anyone turns up who has video (even via a mobile phone) facilities, I might post my first video on You Tube, instead of just watching them, lol. But no, I dont have one, so…? Oh, you will need to get yourself there, just saying…

I know, no response, but the offer is made! And now I’ll offer the video, lol. Some may even have worked it out from the title!



Playing the machine

I suppose, to be fair its a bit of a case of swings, and roundabouts, in that if I wasnt off work because of my brain issues, I wouldnt be in a position to accept a one off acting part, but equally, if I hadnt had the last seizure on the weekend I was meant to have my MRI done, I’d possibly have been free by now to fly to the US, and signed off from standard work on the ground of said brain issues, so I could have considered such a role. Ah well…

Mind, even then, currently I wouldnt consider flying to LA to film a short movie, if it wasnt for what the part what. Yes, a female robot! Yes, the request for an actress to play such a role appeared on the most obvious site for it to appear, Fembot Central. I’ve no idea what type of robot he was looking for, because there was no age limit mentioned, and there was no mention of it requiring a ‘sexy’ robot either. No, my big problem was the fact he wanted to get it filmed in the next few weeks, judging by his comments, and strictly I’m grounded at present because of the brain seizures until they find out whats actually causing them. Even allowing for the fact that the MRI is only 2 weeks tomorrow, its still going to take a while after that for the results to be looked at, the neurologist to give me the news, and then get any travel plans sorted out, lets face it.

But yes, I still decided to write, show some interest, but as I suspected, he looking to film it in the next 2-3 weeks, while not mentioning that my age would be a problem. Yes, I mentioned my 35 years of dramatics (including a couple of brief robot playing moments), which lets face it, gives a major clue that I’m not a cute 20 something, lol. I thought that was a neat way of mentioning the age thing, dont you reckon? Didnt seem to concern him, just my immediate availability (or lack of it) that was the problem. Of course, in these ‘sue at any excuse’ days, he may have just used that as a workaround from not saying I was too old! Of course, if the actress is wearing a robot mask/hood, or a full body robot suit, that wouldnt be a concern would it? Given he mentioned a voice track, and playing the robot as separate concerns, not just as one, I suspect the face might well be covered, if not the whole body?

Yes, you’re right, I’d love it all the more, the more I’m a robot, and the less I’m a human, anyway! Thats right, neither previous robot piece got me any kind of chrome body/face covering, shame! But no, I’m too sweet to hope that he might not find anyone for a few months, but anyway…

But yes, I dont deny it, I’d love the chance to do the full robot look (the fuller the better) just once before I accept I have to give up on the acting stuff, because of everything. Either acting, or a convention robot, or well, make an offer!

So yes, it hurts, but equally, if it wasnt for the issue with my brain which needs looking into, I wouldnt think about anything like this, before retirement anyway, ah well…

Oh, I have got a friend going to one of these convention things in Atlanta this weekend, and saying he’ll look for a robot/space girl/alien outfit for me, but I suspect at a sensible price, the latter two are more likely. Mind, they’d be a lot of fun regardless, I must say!

OK, video time. The voice might be the same, but its not the OMD version, its the original Elektric Music one. Yes, Andy McCluskey sang on both! The video is a more recent addition, put together by someone from a 2014 film, Automata.

Cricket’s coming home

Well, the British among my readers at least might have noticed that England won the World Cup Cricket on Sunday, for the first time. But given the first cricket world cup was only in the 1970’s, its slightly fewer years of hurt, but more relevant to me, anyway.

To say it was a crazy game of cricket would be to put it mildly. A tie on the 50 over game, a tie on the 1 over play off, so England won it on the number of boundaries scored in the game! The irony being that the original game was only a tie because the umpires gave England 6 runs for an ‘overthrow’ in the last over, that should only have been 5, because the players hadnt crossed for the extra run at the time, and the fact it accidentally hit the bat of one of the batsmen, and flew to the boundary only made it more crazy.

But then the funny stuff started, all the ‘Little Englanders’ started saying how it proved that England produced all the greatest cricketers in the world. The thing was, as was quickly pointed out to them, one of the players (the captain) was from Ireland, one of the heroes of the team was born in New Zealand, a leading bowler was from the West Indies (and literally only qualified for England weeks before the event), and another was the son of a Muslim immigrant family, you know, the sort of people they generally hate. So more than a third of the team… oh dear! So playing for England, maybe, but of grand English stock, well… oops!

In truth, England’s next cricket match is special for me, its a test match at Lords, against Ireland! To my annoyance, Sky seem to be ignoring this historical moment, only talking about the Ashes series that follows! Ah well… Not that Ireland will win, but we can hope, for now!

OK, video time. I know, the song is about the football team, but could I do better? This seems to be a hastily put together version of the famous song when England started doing well last year, before finally adding to the years of hurt!

She’s a drama queen, if thats not your thing?

I guess its fair to say that you never know how you would act if you were famous, until you’re famous, and then see how you act. Therefore, as much as I’d love to say I’d be the same me, famous, or otherwise, it really is impossible to know.

In my life I’ve met famous people that its been a pleasure to know, and thats one of the reasons for the video, because she ticked that box. It was shortly before this video came out, and I have no idea if she’s changed, or not, as I’ve never met her since. I’ve also met some that if I never met again, it wouldnt be long enough.

Its also fair to say, that even in amateur dramatics, its not hard to find divas (of both genders) who thought they were God’s gift to acting, and believe me, most of them didnt live up to their ego’s. A few really did know their stuff, and they knew it, but they really were in the minority.

But those in the world of  high celebrity who believe their own publicity, they really can be a pain! To be fair, unlike many, I’ve never been a fan of the Royal Family, but everyone keeps telling me the new generation are better. Snag is, events this week suggest otherwise.

Twice in Wimbledon fortnight, when Meghan Markle has gone there to watch the tennis in the Royal Box, she has sent her security ‘heavies’ to tell people to stop taking pictures of her. The thing is, as both people have promptly pointed out, they werent taking pictures of her, their cameras werent even aimed in her direction. But her ego said that if people were taking pictures around a tennis court, they must have this deep desire to only take pictures of her, and not the tennis players, which is what they were actually doing. One didnt even realise she was there, until she was told of the fact! But her inflated ego…

The funny thing is, in Hollywood, I wouldnt, in truth, recognise a modern day celebrity if they stood in front of me, and probably even if they introduced themselves. It actually happened once, I watched someone perform, very well I might add, but was only told who they were after we’d walked away. My excuse was he was a big name in US, but not in UK, and I’m sticking to it. But he was pleasant, polite, and may ironically have been grateful that I didnt swoon all over him, who knows?

I doubt, that unlike Meghan Markle, I could ever become a diva now, even if I did become famous, I suspect I’d be more the easy going Jean Harlow type, but you can never be sure. But now, I doubt I will ever find out!

I knew people who were working on her debut solo album, and its through them I got to meet Geri Halliwell, for 30 minutes or so. She seemed lovely, about as opposite to Ginger Spice as you could get. So what you see truly may not be what you are getting

Fancy a bite of lunch?

Apparently today is World Vampire Day. Not because there are more vampire flying around looking for blood, for a meal, but because its the anniversary of the day of the release of Bram Stoker’s book in 1897, and lets face it, in these days of hype, and social media, any excuse will do. Fine, I found out through Twitter, so sue me. Better, come and bite me, and sup on my blood, though my days of being an innocent virgin are long gone. Strictly, if I do get permission to get my bits bobbed a la Sex Reassignment Surgery, I would actually be a virgin again, but innocent might be more of an issue, lol!

Fine, yes, I do wonder what it would be like to be bitten by, and maybe transformed by a vampire as they supposedly do? I know, I’d probably enjoy it far more than I’m meant to, but besides all that… Or would they just take me as a quick feed, on the way to someone more interesting, and sexy?

Its funny, it was only earlier this week that a photo was posted on one of the vintage film groups, of the Brides of Dracula. Now that would be a fun role in a remake, and I’d probably need less make up to look so haggard, and pale, than some!

Lets face it, in folk lore, Vampires go back far further than Stoker, back to the Middle Ages in fact, and Alucard, and Vlad the Impaler, and the like. All truth, all fake, who knows, but today is definitely the day to think about it.

The video is from the 1992 Dracula movie, sung by Annie Lennox

Does it matter if its black or white?

Despite what I might have had you thinking, there is actually something else happening on March 15th, other than my dancing girl moment at the Blackpool Film Festival. For far more people in the UK, the more important event that day is Comic Relief. Actually, I’m missing out on something fun related to that at work, as on the Wednesday, it seems its going to be one of those dress up opportunity days,  of the Superhero/heroine kind. Yes, I’ll miss it, as I’m off all week, due to it being the week of my Birthday, Cheltenham Racing Festival, and said Blackpool Film Festival, all of which work as good reasons for me not to be stuck at work that week. As it is, the only day I’ll see much (if any) of the racing is the Tuesday, as Wednesday is Flotation Tank day, Thursday afternoon, I’ll be travelling to Blackpool, and Friday, I’m sure I will be doing something!

Seeing as how I’m such a quiet, shy soul (stop laughing), I did have a couple of colleagues ask me who I would have dressed up as, if I’d been there, and I ended up coming up with a couple of fairly staid options, Supergirl, or Batgirl/woman. Fine, if I could have found a latex Bat…. outfit, it wouldnt necessarily have been that tame, but besides that. I might actually have been tempted to go for a female version of Iron Man, though the mask would make taking calls a bit of a challenge!

(PS If anyone wants to provide me with a Superheroine outfit to wear, and post a picture of me wearing it, to raise money for charity, let me know? Breast cancer charity preferred, but open to all suggestions)

Fine, for my International readers at least, let me explain the process behind Comic Relief. Its a televised charity campaign, designed to raise money for those less fortunate than ourselves in Africa. And in the days prior to Social Media mass advertising, it probably worked just fine. Trouble is, nowadays, as some might know, an awful lot of those so called celebrities (who I’ve never heard of) are more interested in making sure there are numerous pictures of them on Instagram, and other Social Media outlets, so that they can be seen in a positive light. I’m sure some of them actually do focus more on the work that needs to be done, than Social Media, but there are exceptions.

The one that came up earlier this week, was a woman called Stacey Dooley, who apparently won one of those celebrity TV dance shows, who seemed to be more concerned on getting her pictures up on Instagram, than doing any actual good deeds. And yes, according to some, they’re photo-shopped too! Yes, of the kind of picking up a cute African baby, having her picture taken with him, then put him down again! Under any normal circumstances, I would have just ignored her piece of ego boosting, but unfortunately, a black Labour MP couldnt do so. He complained about this piece of white celebrity ego massaging, and in truth, I couldnt argue with him on that! Thing is, it seems Comic Relief offered him the chance to go to Africa, and do a piece, both before, and after this, and he turned them down both times. Which probably shows he was only creating the row to raise publicity too!

So yes, in truth, I end up with no sympathy for either party, and wont be giving to Comic Relief, not that I have any money to do so, anyway. Maybe its a good thing I’m only a modest standard actress, and not a celebrity, lol?

Right, video time. What seemed a very apt Michael Jackson video, just maybe? This is the short version, and its still nearly 6 and a half minutes!

Slide away

When I was younger, I did manage to play a few sports to a school standard level, if nothing more. So in that sense, I must have been at least half decent at cricket, golf, and the shot putt. I also played rugby, and field hockey for my house, so I cant have been truly awful at those sports either. Yes, all pre transition, lol. I would also point out that I played darts to a level, where I played in the Somerset Superleague (2nd team), so must have been quite decent at that too, though that was only after school, obviously. Sadly, none of those sports had very exciting sports uniforms at the time (some rugby shirts seem a pretty sleek fit nowadays), so nothing to get kinky about there.

There are also a few sports where I admire the women who do it, but have no desire to take part in myself. One of them is that annual event starting next weekend in Alaska, the Iditarod race from Anchorage to Nome. I think all (of both genders) who do that event are amazing, given they race for over a week, in temperatures that are in negative F, let alone negative C, and I am certain I couldnt do that. Doesnt stop me thinking that I might have to retire a few weeks early in 2024 (assuming my body lasts that long, which seems highly doubtful), so that I can be in Anchorage for the start of the race in that year. Yes, I’d love to go to Nome, for the finish, but practically, my budget is going to be stretched enough as it is, without the crazy add on air fare to go there.

OK, lets stop word filling. There is a sport for which I’d have no desire to do, even if I was young, fit and healthy, but would love to wear the outfit for, and thats luging! Yes, guilty as charged, its a kinky an outfit as you can probably get, as a legitimate sports woman, lol. Admittedly, most of the skiing outfits arent a lot less so, but luge tops it for me. But no, the idea of throwing yourself down a steep slope, with sharp bends, on a glorified tray, no thanks! Yes, I was watching it this morning, and all I felt was jealousy of them, for getting to wear that outfit, not for the speedy slide down that hill, with practically no protection! Not that a 60 year old should be doing something like that, healthy or otherwise, but anyway… No slide, just the outfit, pretty please.

Oh, and while I’m talking about things that I feel a 60 year old shouldnt be wearing, maybe I’ve got it wrong? Yesterday morning, I was riding the bus to work, and we stopped in Wyke (near Bradford) to pick up a couple of people. I could see one of them had a red coat on, but it was only when she got on the bus, and used her senior bus card to travel, did I see what it was made of, PVC, or a very PVC like material. She also had on a red dress underneath it, in the same material. Oh, and she had red shoes on, with at least 4 inch heels! Yes, seriously, she looked great! So as Ron Moody sang in Oliver, I might have to think about that matter again!

No, I’m never going to buy something like that (cost as much as anything), but now, if someone presented me with a PVC, Leather, or Latex outfit, and told me to put it on, fine, I probably would! So…? 😉

OK, video time. Going back to the luge, and what those amazing ladies do, with a little live Oasis. Warning, there are a few ‘rude’ words at the beginning of the video, so if easily shocked, might be wise to pass?

All together now? Not my back!

Well, I wonder how all together things will be after the Brexit votes tonight? Fingers crossed for some positive, sane news, and I will leave it at that.

Unfortunately I had to venture out today, for a good reason, but its been freezing cold, and my back has been complaining loudly ever since I did so. I must admit, I felt like stepping into the TV last night, and hitting (as best I can) the local weatherman who was getting horribly over excited at the thought of the forthcoming snow. Yes, he’s young, and in perfect health, so good for him, have fun, but a bit of consideration for his viewers, of more mature years, and more damaged bodies might be nice, just saying. Not saying his name, as it would mean nothing to people who dont watch BBC regional news in Yorkshire, but if they do, the hit is ordered. No, seriously its not, but the sentiment was there. Oh, we havent had snow, and ice here yet, but he was gleefully forecasting it again tonight. I hope not, for his sake. And mine, I really cant afford a hitman, lol!

The reason I had to go out today, was because thanks to the deteriorating state of my back, I need to cut back my working week even further. Yes, the poor old girl cant even survive a 4 day week at this time of year at least, any more. I suspect it cant survive it regardless, but in current temperatures, no chance! So therefore, off to try and get some benefits to help me do this. The irony was, my own department that I work for, and I failed the verification system online. Probably because of all the name changes, and the fact that I dont apply for hundreds of credit cards, but I’m on the electoral roll, I’m on the Civil Service workers list, but anyway…

Universal Credit seems to attract an amount of media flak, but most of the postings at work tell me its actually a delight to be involved in. My feelings after today, somewhere in between. (Let me add I definitely did not get the feeling of special treatment, lol) I cant say that the lady I saw was overly welcoming, but she wasnt overly hostile either. Then again, I’m not out of work, so…? In truth, it seemed more an exercise of ticking her boxes, and that was it. I was trying to make it clear that my reason for claiming was that I needed to cut back my hours because of health issues, so the wages I’m currently on, wouldnt be the wages then, but not sure she really heard that. We will see?

Maybe she’s just had too many ‘grumpy’ customers, because my attempts to be polite, and helpful really got me nowhere, beyond getting my identity verified. So yes, I can see people with less of a link might think the service a bit too formal, and fierce. At the same time, the number of people they must get in work, wanting to do a health based hours reduction, not many, I suspect. So, I would say its not as bad as some portray it, but its not as good as others do. I suspect how much I get offered, if anything, if they think thats still going to be my salary, might tilt me one way or the other, we will see?

OK, video time. Hopefully my back will be roughly ‘all together’ in the morning, though I suspect if the weather forecast is right, that might be wishful thinking, but fingers crossed. The song, I find hard to believe is nearly 30 years old, but it is. And it proves Paul McCartney wasnt the only one to feature Christmas Day, 1914, in a song!

Girls, boys, and so much more

I’m not claiming that I thought I knew all of the LGBT+ terms that people use nowadays, but I thought I knew most of them, but showed up my lack of knowledge yesterday.

Had a request by email, and on the work intranet yesterday for people to act as representatives for a Princes Trust panel early next year. Thing is, as they put it, they were after the lesser represented groups to come forward. And yes, seemingly according to this, Intersex, and Non Binary are far too normal, lol. As for Transgender, and Pansexual, and the like, no thanks.

No, the people they were looking for, were from the following groups, and in truth, I had to look these up to know what they were.

So yes, even someone with as much involvement as I have, can learn something new!

In truth, I dont really mind what term any person chooses to select for themselves, its all a personal choice. At the same time, there is a point where you can see why the ghastly ‘rabid right wing Christian nutcases’ might be entitled to shout enough, in their eyes at least?

Oh fine, if someone wants to offer me the chance to be officially designated as a Fembot, I wont say no! 😛 Ooh, zap me baby, lol! Yeah, I wish!


Lastly, my patience finally ran out with First Buses again. 3rd letter of complaint in about 6 months, not that I’ve even had the courtesy of a reply to the previous two, so this time I’ve mentioned passing it on to the controlling board if I dont get a reply.

I wasnt looking forward to a physio appointment at 4.45 tonight, travel wise, and I was proved right. I got back to the bus stop at 5.17, raining, and cold, less than perfect conditions for me. Still, by using all options, I should have had a bus coming along every 5 minutes. I waited 29! After all that, the bus driver had to go ‘somewhere’ when we finally reached town, and that was another 10 minutes delay. Yes, I might have just ‘slightly’ laid on how disabled I am, but by the time I got home, the back felt pretty dreadful, so… and Monday’s journey home was an hour longer than it should have been, and was only that because I got a taxi home from town!

Still wont hold my breath for even the respect of a reply, despite all that, mind, they really are a dreadful company.

Right, video time. Back to the initial subject for this. Some live Blur, though to say Damon Albarn looks less than enthused would be putting it mildly!

The perfect protective clothing

Apologies for another health related piece, of sorts, but its the diplomatic outcome. I really, really wanted to comment on the Brexit vote on Tuesday, and the complications surrounding it, but after an afternoon of working how to keep it politically neutral, I failed miserably, so you’re not getting it! I’ll work on trying to get there for Tuesday, but other than that…

The amusing thing is, the news of this potential clothing breakthrough came through one of the ‘weird’ writers forums that I inhabit. Lets just say he was thinking of a more kinky way to use this material, whereas I came up with a more beneficial potential for disabled people like myself.

Yes, just think, especially with winter coming up, how beneficial a body suit made of material like this would be for people like me. Apart from the fact that I think I’d be snugly warm inside something like that, consider the potential. If I slipped on ice, for example, its fair to assume I would pull on the suit, it would thicken, so when I landed on my back, knees, or wrist (which lets face it, are all pretty vulnerable) I would have additional protection when I hit the ground! I might not get zero damage, but it would be very much reduced. Good, yes?

Oh fine, the snag is, that currently, and probably not in the near future either, such clothing doesnt actually exist. And lets face it, if it did, I suspect it would be well beyond my budget anyway. But wouldnt it be wonderful if a clothing company did run with something like this, as it would be such a boon for disabled, and elderly people like me.

So, can we get this done, pretty please? I doubt it, but its a great concept at least.

For those curious, the other guys idea? Yeah, bondage suit, not subtle, lol. My version would have an easy way to get into, and out of the outfit, I’m not sure he’d want things to be so easy!

For those with concern, the wrist is a little easier, and at least now I can ball my hand into a fist, which I certainly couldnt do on Friday, so clearly its better at least. In NFL health terms, I’d call myself a ‘probable’ for work tomorrow, though I will have to be careful. Its still a bit sore, but I think I can cope? Strictly, I could elect to go back Wednesday, if I’m not happy with it, on the basis of being able to self certificate for a week. Yes, I know, maybe I should, but I could do with getting out, lol! 😛 I need to be back by Friday, anyway, as its the works Christmas meal, and I’ve got a dress to wear, lol!

OK, video time. I probably ought to apologise for this, but incredibly, this was the Christmas number 1 record 25 years ago. And fine, its a protective suit, and if I hit the ground wearing this, I’d probably barely notice the fall! So…