Category Archives: Cat Stevens

Another hospital Saturday

Yes, I know its been a long wait for this, and I only wish I could say it was for a good reason, but it isnt! Yes, I know, I wasnt meant to go to the hospital before next Saturday, but I couldnt wait that long, I was there in advance, last Saturday. Funny thing is, I dont actually think I passed out, but I probably wasnt far from doing so, and certainly wasnt  capable of  simply things like getting to my room upstairs, even with the aid of the chair up the stairs, I still couldnt get to my room, so off I end up going to hospital again in an ambulance, but at least this time I knew the journey was happening.

No, they couldnt find anything seriously wrong, so I got released at the end of the evening, and ended up getting a taxi home. I’m not convinced how well I really was, and in truth, anything up to this Morning is a blur. Better now, though I wouldnt expect to do anything clever today, put it that way.  Computer wasnt working too well either, but seemingly back to normal today.

Hopefully now my next visit to the hospital will be this Saturday, for my session in the MRI tube, to see just how busted my brain really is. Fine, I would like the tube to do more than just check on my brain, but anyway…No, I dont think brainwashing service is available lol! In truth, I, and a few friends in the US, as well as the ones over here will be glad when thats done. Yes, Kiefer, I wouldnt put the brain rearranging system past you, oh I wish!

The only other planned change in the near future is a change of hair colour, yes, getting it done after the MRI tube experience, going to be a redhead of some hue! Suspect more strawberry than fluorescent, but I dont know exactly what June has in mind. Fun thing is, the only colour picture I have of Clara Johnson is from 1935, when she was very blonde, but thats as natural as mine! The picture from 1929 in black and white is either soft blonde, or maybe red, hmm? Either way, it will be fun to have a change after all this time.

Hopefully soon I can start planning a trip to the US, just not sure where, or  when at this point. Whether its holiday, health, or combination at this point, who knows. Might even come back a whole new woman, physically, and or mentally, who knows. I suspect hoping to come back with an AI brain, or whole new robot body might be hoping too much lol. Would love that though! Clara Johnson, 20 something lookalike, oh heaven!

Right, video. A clue in the blog title. Gone with the Cat Stevens version of the song, as finding live from 60’s isnt easy!



A cut to be avoided

As I have discovered before, and will probably discover again at some point, trying to work around an issue doesnt work! So yes, trying to be clever on Tuesday, and taking the pressure off my damaged right knee, in the end, didnt work! To put it bluntly, Wednesday morning, when I got up, my left leg was a bit stiff, and walking wasnt easy. Anyway, I managed to get down the stairs, just about, and with difficulty, pick the cat bowls off the floor, fill them, and drop them back down. Didnt think much more of it at the time, until 2 hours later…I tried to get up, to get breakfast, and could barely move. Yes, left knee had seized up in sympathy, probably because I’d been overdoing it on a knee that is better than my right, but that isnt saying a lot! So long story short, I wasnt getting to work, as a normal 15 minute walk at other end would have been like a marathon!

Thankfully, use of a healing gel which I was given for my right knee, on my left knee has eased it up a bit, so unless I have a relapse in morning, will be back to work then! But lets face it, being practical, something needs to be done about it!

So, this morning, I had a discussion with the Physio people who deal with such matters for the Civil Service about it. In truth, I’d already worked out that I’d probably reached the point where I’m going to have to grin, and bear it, and get the knee joint replaced. Yes, surgery, which as regular readers will know, is something I’m not a fan of, as that sort of pain isnt my thing. But being honest, I think the right knee is probably not much use any more, as it is.

Anyway, I’ve managed to convince them that I really ought to try some physiotherapy first, though I think we both know its pretty much a last resort measure, but given I’m sure the doctors will want it done first, lets bite the bullet. So yes, next Tuesday, I head to a clinic in Huddersfield, for what I’m jokingly terming last chance saloon! Fingers crossed something can be done, to delay surgery further, but I have my doubts. Only consolation now is that given the lifetime of these things is about 20 years, I should get by with having it done once. Well, I’ll probably have to get the left one done as well, in time, but…

So yes, please note, if anyone out there is working on developing a cybernetic knee joint (or two) that they want a volunteer to try out, then let me know. Given the state of my back, a full replacement cybernetic body might be even better, but anyway…? 😉 But yes, I suspect my surgery avoidance days are nearly over! 😦 Wonder if I can get my bits ‘bobbed’ at the same time, lol? After all, if I’m going to be out of action for a while, might as well make a good job of it? 😉

OK, video time. I used this song about 2 years ago, and found a very ancient, poor quality Cat Stevens version of the song. Yes, he wrote it, everyone else just covered it! This version, 3 years old, in color, ooh!

Bit of a wild world

Oh fine, the amusing irony of tonight’s blog is that I know it will get one like, because a certain person is going to be tagged in this. Why its amusing, is because the guy seemingly loves Trump, and therefore anyone who uses his name as a tag, the blog gets liked, even if the opinion is less than favorable, like mine, because he clearly never bothers to read them. So thanks for the like, ‘Aussie Conservative’, and thanks for not actually reading it.

The previous times I needed a US Visa (long, long before ESTA, and they only work for tourists, anyway) involved going to the US Embassy in London, answering questions, being dutiful, and respectful, and all that. Oh fine, not all tourist visas used to get that treatment, but I suppose from time to time, they had to tick the boxes…But yes, anything more significant, and off to the Embassy you had to go!

The thing is, since those times, terrorism has become more of an issue in the world, and someone has decreed that the old Embassy building in London would have been difficult to protect. So back in 2008, George Bush made plans to move it to a safer building, outside the center of London. Yes, Donald, it wasnt Obama that made the decision, it was a Republican! But lets face it, niceties like the truth have never bothered Trump, so…

So hear we are, 10 years later, and its ready to open. I will miss the old building, and I certainly wont enjoy the extra travel if I have to apply for an Acting Visa, but I’m sure I’ll survive. Probably wont need to concern myself about it, but just in case…? In truth, I’m only assuming that in these days of doing everything online that it isnt initially done over Skype, or something, and only requires a visit in some cases? No idea, if I ever need to find out, I’ll let you know.

The thing is, Trump, as President, was going to come over and open the new Embassy. Then, he got the message delivered to him that, just maybe, he might not get the fawning welcome he was expecting! So he’s decided not to come, and his excuse for not doing so, relates to the baloney about Obama taking the decision to move it (not true), and that it cost too much (pretty much all the cost was recompensed by the sale of the old building), so thats shot him down in flames.

Oh, and on top of that, he’s seemingly sold a large number of fighter planes to Norway that only exist in a video game! Yes, so unless he knows something we dont (stop laughing here!), he’s telling even more lies! I think he has sold some planes, just not the ones he’s claimed to have done! Oh, and he’s described numerous countries (predominantly non white countries) as s**thole countries, so another diplomatic gaffe on top of everything. Anyone would think he was a white supremacist or something? Oh, wait…?

Believe me, I’m glad he’s not coming here, not that I would ever have seen him, mind, but I’m just glad we wont have to stand the taxpayers costs of protecting him. Still one year down, only hopefully 3 to go?

An old classic tonight, from Cat Stevens, who lets face it, Donald wouldnt be a fan of! But I think he sums up his effect perfectly!

Some very deep cuts

Before we get started tonight, I’ll issue a warning. If you are squeamish about people’s ‘bits’, then you may not want to watch the video in the link. It is only animated, not the real thing, but… Reading the article should be fine, but just in case, consider yourself warned.

Sadly, this might also be the closest I actually get to it happening to me, unless someone comes into my life, and wants me to go through with it, because I know just how painful it would be. And yes, fine, if I was 28, instead of 58, and feeling strong, I’d probably go ahead with it regardless. But now, just for me, I think I’ll pass!

Lets face it, nowadays all my paperwork says I’m female, though there are a few places in the US at present that would object to me using a ladies toilet, technically. Strictly, if they looked at my ID (Passport), it says I’m female! If they actually insist on looking at my bits, then fine, I fail their crazy tests, but anyway…

Mind, they wouldnt work in a sex sense anyway, as would be the case for most trans females, in all honesty. Mind, it seems its more the case that being in a public toilet with a GOP politician is far more dangerous than being with a Trans Woman! Maybe we should bar all of them from public toilets?

Yes, for those of you brave enough to look at the video, it is painful, and not quick surgery either. As I say, if the need arises, and I have my doubts it will, I’ll get it done, but until then, I’ll give it a pass. I know, that will make me even older when I get it done, should I have the need, but my call of preference! The funny thing is, when I was getting answers from men on the dating site, they seemed to want a girl with additional parts, not the anatomically correct ones! Yes, I know I’m going to hate dying, with the wrong parts, but what can I say, apart from the fact I’m getting on in years, and not that endeared of pain!

But yes, if someone wants to make it worth my while to get it done, or wants to get all dominant with me, and make me have it done, then fine, though in the case of the latter, you’re paying for it!

Right, video time. To be honest, all this time, I assumed this was a Rod Stewart song. Well, it was, but that was a cover! Yes, Cat Stevens wrote, and sung the song first! And I’ve found a very rare 1960’s live version of him singing it. Yes, its blurry, but its history! Fine, if you want to find Rod’s version, or even the Sheryl Crow one, then OK, but…