Category Archives: Facebook

Repair needed for the Western World?

OK, this is where I get sneaky, and do politics, without really doing direct politics, lol. How, by avoiding the obvious comments, but at the same time, discussing a matter caused by all that ghastly politics, both sides of the Atlantic.

I think the one thing we all have to accept, whichever side of the Brexit issue (in UK) you fall on, or in the US, whichever side of the Trump issue (in US) you back, the one thing both matters have done is polarised views. Lets face it, both issues tend to mean you fall either on one side of the fence, or the other. I suppose it is just about possible to sit on the fence, with some clever thinking, or more likely, the fact that you’re sick of it all, and just want to let it all play out around you, but anyway…

The problem with all of this, however it all plays out, will be getting people back together living in a way where politics isnt going to get in the way of something, at some point in the near future, especially in the ‘I’m the only person that matters’ lifestyle that so many seem to live nowadays. I know, all ramped up by Social Media, and You Tube and the like, but all the same…

Trouble is, with some, its creeping into other areas of life too. Last night, on a forum, actually related to Horse Racing, there was a LGBT attack by someone, that to say was awful would be putting it mildly. Sadly I have to say, I reported it quickly to said forum as a hate posting, but as of about an hour ago, it hadnt been taken down, which says very little about them, I guess? It was someone who had made more than a few right wing comments on Brexit, but I’d ignored those, but this, seriously…

The other matter that makes me despair about how all of this actually gets fixed in time actually relates to a right wing, US based former friend on Facebook, who even after I stopped being his ‘friend’ because of his views, continued to follow me on there instead. Anyway, at some point yesterday morning, on a vintage movie group, someone asked if he was still posting, as they hadnt seen anything from him for a while. They must have been having sight issues, as he’d posted on said group about 10 hours earlier, but anyway… so I just pointed this out.

A matter of a few hours later (given he’s 5 time zones behind me), there is a post on there from him saying he doesnt need a black woman loving, communist posting information on Facebook about him. (It relates to the more left wing Democrat possible candidates for next US election) Given I’m asexual, and of moderate political views, he was quickly blocked, and reported to Facebook (hate posting). I dont know what they’ve done, if anything, because of the blocking, obviously, but at the same time, something like that is downright scary, if not more, and I’m only glad there is an Ocean between him, and me! Not that he knows exactly where I live, but anyway I’m glad I never ordered a vintage movie copy from his collection!

In truth, I’d love to be able to think that one day, all will be able to live together in a decent way, but I must say, sadly, I have no idea when, at present. Ah well…

So, video time. A new live version of a song I’ve used in the past, but not recently. Lets just say, that red dress that one of the backing singers is wearing, oh please…!

People are strange?

One of the things I find odd about social media comes back to people watching, and who shows an interest in you. On Facebook recently (last month or so), I’ve got dozens of friend requests, that to put it mildly, are out of the ordinary. They’ve been people I havent known before, had no previous contact with, and the only thing I could even see in common with them would be the Transgender thing.

But even then… I quickly put together that the vast majority of these weren’t the sort of Transgender women that actually had anything in common with me. Admittedly it took a few that I acted as a nominal mother hen to, before I got the connection, but then it started to get regular. Many only with few pictures, so actual comments, and indeed some that seems to do nothing but put up adverts for things they seemingly wanted me to buy. The other thing that crept in after the first few (have no idea if this was deliberate or not?) was profiles that made it very clear they were anti men, in all ways. So anyway, after the first dozen or so got friends acceptance, I started getting very careful, and have since rejected far more than I’ve accepted. Given I’ve not bothered to follow the postings of these people, I havent actually got round to unfriending any yet, but maybe…? Hey, I’m bisexual, have nothing against men at all.

But actually, the one who inspired this blog, isnt from Facebook, but Twitter. People follow you there, and short of blocking them, its hard to stop them doing so. Generally if people follow me, I take a look at their recent posts, and make a call on whether to follow back, or not.

A few weeks back, someone started following me, and her profile had enough to tempt me to follow back, even though I didnt know her at all. It would have been an LGBT issue, but now, a few weeks later, I’m not even sure she’s LGBT! In fact, may well be phobic towards us!

A week or so ago, she went into what, shall I call weird mode. Firstly it was rants against a man that was supposedly making contact with her, after they’d broken up, and that she was threatening to report him to the police. His responses to her postings seemed to suggest he was doing nothing of the kind. She then started to attack the police for not acting on her claims any more. I assume (but cant be sure) that even if they did investigate, they came to the conclusion he’d done nothing wrong, but she doesnt want to accept that fact.

Then this morning, among my notifications to deal with, was what I can only described as a typical TERF, anti trans question about my right to a female passport. Not that its any of her business, but I politely explained that I qualified on grounds of length of time living as a woman, hoping that would satisfy her. Nope! Came back saying it shouldnt be allowed pre op, so just as I was about to just give up following her, I read the last line, in which she claimed she wasnt transphobic! When I stopped laughing at that last comment I checked, and yes, she’d already stopped following me, but of course I have no idea when she did so! So yes, I’ve blocked her, just to be safe.

I know, maybe I should feel sorry for her, it might all be a mental health issue, for all I know? But its no one I know, she lives nowhere near me, so what can I do?

I know, the whole world is full of strange people, just wish a few less were attracted to me, but anyway…?

OK, video time. Back to the old system, blog title is same as song title, what can I say?

Living on Social Media ‘reality’

Yes, fine, I’d love to be able to tell you about the ton of Valentine cards that arrived today, but I’d be lying if I did. I did get a couple of nice touches from friends, from online sources, which I really appreciated, but beyond that…? No, was never expecting anything else in truth, though I was hoping that Rotwang, or Dr Frankenstein might offer me a visit to their labs, but…Kidding, fine!

Funnily enough, in the last couple of weeks, I did attract the interest of a guy on Fembot Central, but when he found out I was over 20 years older than him, not a word since. Ah well… Not even a nice robot suit out of the relationship, lol. No, it was nothing more than a few messages, so just jesting on that front.

Oh fine, social media, primarily Facebook. Its fair to say that out of my nearly 300 ‘friends’ on there, I certainly have never met half of them, probably a fair few more than that. But yes, things like vintage movie love, LGBT issues, cricket and the like, where I have a common cause, and they arent blatantly troll accounts, I tend to connect up. But some dont seem to live in the real world at times?

One of these people I’ve never met, and am never likely to meet (I believe connection is through an orange, wig wearing guy, that we dont have fond affections for) put up a picture that suggested he was getting high on drugs, a massive no no for me. He claimed he wasnt really, just pretending, but then again, who can tell? I did comment that I had played parts where I’d pretended to smoke (never have in my life), so it could be true. Anyway, earlier this evening, I visited Facebook, and he’d made a comment complaining that I hadnt ‘liked’ his picture, and that I needed to do so. Yes, the reason I hadnt done so, was simply the image it gave of condoning drug taking, and I dont do that.

So I saw it, I had 2 choices, I could explain why I didnt ‘like’ it, probably get a reply, but why the hell should I have to tell someone I dont even know why I didnt like their picture! So I’ve asked if he is serious about his complaint, and if he is, the ‘friendship’ wont last out the evening. If he has sense, given the way he’s worded it, he will say he wasnt, and I’ll give him another chance.

But sorry, all you Social Media freaks, unless you want to mind control me to do otherwise (and I’m open to offers!), its my choice whether I like, love, or whatever your posting, and not for you to decide if I should, or not? Fine?

Next year, to avoid this, someone needs to take me out for a Valentine dinner, lol! πŸ˜›

OK, video time. A little bit of Bon Jovi. Funnily enough, a group called Bon Giovi (one of those tribute bands) is playing at Brighouse in the near future. As someone once said, wouldnt it be amusing if the real star/band turned up, and no one knew? πŸ˜‰


Moods, memories, and a book review!

Before I get started, let me just mention that the 2 ‘youthful’ people who went to Inverness got home fine, with no incident, other than the obvious Trans Pennine Express train delay. Seriously, 12 train journeys in total, and only 2 were late, both you know who! Strictly, the return train from Aviemore to Inverness was nearly 2 hours late, but for us, it meant we ran 7 minutes early, so…

Anyway, I took a book away with me to read on trains, given that the life of my old computer, not plugged in, was roughly 20 minutes at the end. Yes, this is first blog, on new computer, all seems fine. Well, I prefer the old email collection method to this, but other than that…

Oh, that book? Well, it would be this one


Which if anyone wants to rush out and buy, you’d make us both happy! I’ve never actually met Julia as yet, but I feel like I’ve known her for years through social media, perhaps because I have! She’s a wonderful lady, just slightly younger than me, and its been a privilege to chat with her as much as I have. We’re not that far apart distance wise, so maybe while our bodies are still up to it, we may yet meet, but otherwise…

Oh fine, she’s got me beat, the closest I’ve ever got to Andy McCluskey is the third standing row at Leeds, in 2013, on their tour that year. That was the night that I pledged all further concerts in my life would be seating only! So sadly, I missed this in 2017, as there were only standing tickets left by the time I got back from US

Would definitely have met her there, if I’d gone, but anyway…

Oh, the book. Its well written, telling a fascinating tale of real life, interspersed with a brief moment of fame, or two. Seems we have one thing in common at least, both of us had parents who divorced while we were young. Beyond that, we’ve both had interesting, but different lives, brought together by the medium of Facebook! I’m not going to say too much about the book, because I want you to go out and buy it for yourself, and read it, because its that good. And no, if you’re not anΒ  OMD fan, there is still plenty in there for you.

To my knowledge, I have met 4 ‘pop stars’, 1 you will know, 1 you might know, and 2 you definitely wouldnt know! Geri Halliwell was a case of just being in the right place, at the right time, as a couple of acting contacts who I was meeting in London, were working with her just after she left the Spice Girls, and she was there when I arrived! Nothing like Ginger Spice, in any sense of the word! Simon Crowe, of the Boomtown Rats had a second living, post group fame, doing watch repairs, or something. Anyway, we’d needed a vintage pocket watch for something acting wise, and guess who delivered it? Yes, him!

The other 2, well, bit of a cheat, but when I was much younger, I had 2 friends who worked in the band at Pontins, Camber Sands, but also got seconded into Womble suits for some of their TV performances, when others werent available. I only wish I’d got the chance to do the same, but never did!

Thats it, so after watching the next video, go back to the top of this blog, click on the link, and do yourself a favour, and buy the book!

That video. Well, its the connection between Julia, and OMD which has meant the relationship between them has lasted longer, than it might have done otherwise. Amazing what some ‘scribblings’ can lead to!

He’s not in love?

One hazard of modern day Facebook life, is the amount of fake spam accounts that try to be your friend. Mainly so they can then message you, and try and fleece you of your money, or try to sway your views on matters, often political nowadays, but thankfully this cynical old woman can now see through most of these pretty quickly.

The popular one nowadays seems to be the divorced, military serviceman, living somewhere in the US, generally Texas, or California, but not entirely limited to those states. The snags with these profiles is that because they just take stock photos off the internet, I would say that the chances of the 2-3 pictures looking like the same person, are fairly slim!

There are also the classic naming errors, so you get someone called King Peter, a military serviceman from Texas, because they’ve just taken the name from records, and not realized its giving the surname first! Even funnier when the uniform has an entirely different name on it.

The other faux pas I’ve noticed of late, is their lack of care with friends. You get a ‘divorced business person’ from Dallas, for example, who has 75% of his friends in Nigeria! I had another the other day, from a single, middle aged guy, supposedly in Los Angeles, but with one exception (other than me), all his friends were in Azerbaijan! Shame, because his name was possible, and the pictures matched, but… One of Donald’s, and Putin’s friends, I’m sure!

I know, all this is nothing new, part of life nowadays. But the one that amused me yesterday, at least for his honesty, was some guy messaging me from Pakistan. Basically his message stated that he was looking for me as a Bride, as he wanted to move to the United Kingdom. If his picture was right, he was far younger than me too! He didnt actually say that all he wanted was a marriage of convenience for a few months, then drift apart, and he stay in the country, but I’m sure that was his plan.

I was tempted to play him up, ask how much dowry I would be getting, and the like, but passed on it, deciding to be a good girl for once. I can only imagine his face when he discovered his bride came with an ‘added extra’, lol! Mind, I might have found out what life was like, under a Burqua, but too late now! Probably would have never seen him beyond getting the wedding banns, lol! There was actually a woman on my bus in Bradford last night, all I could see was her eyes (just), and yes, I did wonder what that was like, from the inside.

I guess the logic is that maybe we ‘mature’ single ladies might be desperate to find a man, so doing both of us a favor, but unluckily for him, I’m not. Whether, of course any other woman has fallen for his charms, who knows? I’m certain I wasnt the only one he wrote to!

I might be getting a change of lifestyle in the near future, but it wont be as a bride of convenience for someone from Pakistan. More in the future on that, probably! πŸ˜‰

Right, video time. One of the great, classic songs of the 70’s, full length version. You might have worked out the title already!



Baby, I don’t care!

Alright, lets get back to a more ‘me’ issue, that of LGBT matters. Yes, done my duty, and voted, in case anyone was doubting it.

On one of the numerous golden age (or earlier) movie groups that I’m on, on Facebook, a few days ago, aΒ  picture appeared of a pretty looking actress of the past, name of Wynne Gibson. Nothing stunningly beautiful, not a major star, but if you’re asking me that if it arose, could I fancy her as a sapphicΒ  partner, oh definitely! But hey, thats not the issue here. Picture came, picture went, thought no more about it.

Then yesterday morning, when I went on the group, some man had posted there, a little too over excitedly for my liking, that there were rumors that she was gay. In truth, a quick glance at Wikipedia suggests it was probably more than a rumor, as she lived closely with another movie actress for a number of years. She also briefly married a man, but whether that was a token thing (it was before her movie career took off), or whether she was bi, who knows, or who cares?

So pretty much, without giving the game away at the time that I was bi, I just asked him,

‘Yes, and so what?’

Anyway, I got a reply that made it clear that he found the idea of a movie actress being sapphic as an ‘exciting’ one to him. So fine, I pretty much left it at that, after an inward role of my eyes. Some other guy then wrote in support of him, I just let that be!

I admit, I’ve heard numerous tales over the years of men, who think that all a lesbian needs is a good man, to see the light, and I’m guessing he’s one of those? Either that, or he’s one of those men who like to be out of the equation, and just see 2 women show how they feel for each other?

I still hope that one day in the future, anyone coming out as gay, lesbian, bi, or whatever really is just treated by everyone as ‘so what?’. Not sure if, and when it will happen for us Trans folk too, but hopefully one day, it will.

Right, video time. Given this song is nearly 30 years old, I’m not sure how many will remember this? Probably more than I think, but will have to wait and see. Yes, strangely enough, the title is in the blog title! Shock horror, almost as shocking as me admitting I’m a Bisexual Trans Lady lol! πŸ˜›


A flying visit for Thanksgiving?

Firstly, I have to duly thank Stacie for providing me with the inspiration for tonights blog. Without her, I have no idea what you might be getting!

This morning, when I logged into that insanity that is Facebook, I found she’d slipped this onto my timeline, and I just loved it. Yes, seriously, if anyone wants to arrange to deliver me one of these before Thanksgiving (topical), or Christmas, I wont say no!

Please, dont get all technical on me, about it being the wrong model, or whatever, I wouldnt have a clue, just look on it with an amused eye, OK? Or the grammar, which is wrong, but not my fault! Or costs to run it, OK? Yes, I would love one, if it was possible, but thats beside the point. Just look at it in the way, that on a morning when my back was aching ‘a bit’, it cheered me up no end to see it, when I got on Facebook this morning.

Of course, to make it perfect for me, I would also need a classic space suit to wear, or even more fun, a real quality alien body suit (Yes, full body, including head) to wear while flying it. I know, its not an alien space craft, but seriously, that would just be so much fun!

However, for some strange reason, when I look on the Amazon website, its nowhere to be seen! What a let down! Yes, tongue, firmly in cheek, lol! I suspect that if I looked for them on there, I might find a full cover alien bodysuit. I suspect less so for adult women, than children, but I suspect there are some there. Perhaps rashly, I’ve promised her that if I can find a nice one, for about Β£25, if I get the second reward voucher, that I’ll buy one! Mind, as I would enjoy wearing it, well… πŸ˜‰

No, if only first one arrives, it will either be a dress (vintage style) or winter boots, but now, if the second one arrives, and I find a decent full body one, well…would be a fun look to model, for sure! No, I dont seriously expect the space craft, but if you’re offering…?

But yes, Stacie, if said craft arrives in time for me to fly there for Thanksgiving dinner, I will be there, as I suspect the flight time would be pretty rapid! And believe me, if an alien costume mysteriously turns up too, I promise to wear it for the flight!

Tonights video is an apt piece of Euro disco, from the late 70’s. Just amuses me to think that if a certain cute chorus line dancer had bee around then, at a young age, it might have been the sort of thing she did!

Someone’s gotten into my heart

Those who have been around a while, will know of the past life regression I did a few years back, and discovered I was a 20’s/30’s movie actress, though far, far less famous than Miss Harlow. Yes, that very modest actress, and dancer Clara E Johnson. Yes, for once I’m including that middle initial, because it may well hold a lot of significance.

No, I didnt find out that middle initial, or a few other details at the time of regression, but thankfully a chance to look at the census details for LA in 1930, managed to give me more than a few clues. So after that, I knew she was born in 1905, in Oklahoma, and came to LA in 1925, via Texas. Whether any more of her family travelled with her, no idea.

There are a couple of things that I didnt discover, one was her married name, so I have never been able to trace her last resting place. Nor have I managed to find out what the E stood for. Except, that maybe now…?

One of the Facebook groups included a number of women, who were part of the Goldwyn Girls dance troupe back then, and someone mentioned a list of the full troupe, who served over the years it existed. No, I didnt find a Clara Johnson there, before you ask. But what I did find, was an Elaine Johnson! Yes, that E! And guess what, typing that name into Google, bought up 4 pictures of the said Elaine Johnson. Oh fine, here’s a couple,

Cute, isnt she?

Fine, now the disclaimer, I have no literal evidence that this is my Miss Johnson, as it is possible there was another Johnson, with an E in her name, as a dancer, at the right time in history, but…for me, its a good enough match, thats my girl!

Agreed, I still have that annoying challenge of finding out her married name, and trying to trace her last resting place, but at least I now know how she ‘made a decent living’ as she quoted me, and what she looked like. So yes, to say thats a special moment for me, is putting it very mildly! No, Clara Elaine Johnson, until I find your last resting place, that search isnt finally over, but thats a massive step en route for me!

Video time came down to 2 choices. An old time dance number that might have had her in it, or the song given a massive clue in the blog title, and yes, its the latter. I’m sure if anyone had said Marc Almond, and Gene Pitney would work as a duo in the late 80’s, they’d have looked at you strangely. But yes, it worked brilliantly

I forgot my name?

The irony is, the main people I would like to see this, cant! In truth, Facebook might have done me a favor with their dastardly deed, though dont quote me on that. Well, I’d been thinking of separating from it, but instead, they walked out on me. Well, on one of my accounts at least.

I have, for sometime, had 2 accounts on Facebook, one for friends, and work contacts and the like, and another for the publishing side of things, the dormant acting stuff, and generally anything LA, or movie related. Yes, there is stuff on the latter that its probably better some friends didnt know, but anyway, no more!

Sometime last year, someone objected to the latter account, because of my name, and because I used a picture of the original Harlean Carpenter, instead of me, as the profile pic. Fine, the cover pictures were me, but anyway… At the time, I sent Passport evidence to Facebook to prove it was my name, and that was it, account reinstated, and a promise that the issue wouldnt arise again.

So yes, when I arrived home Wednesday night, to find out the account had been disabled again, despite all this, I was not amused. So fine, I went through the same ID protocol as before, only this time I’ve come across a ‘Mr Jobsworth’ who because my passport picture doesnt match the avatar one, he wont reinstate the account. So thats it, short of major cosmetic surgery, what can I do? The fact that I used Jean’s birth date as well might play a part, which is 13 days different to mine (Yes, I used the correct year), but in all truth, my name really is Harlean Carpenter, as proved by ID, but they wont let me in. The irony, as a friend from there pointed out, is that there are about 20 other Harlean Carpenter profiles over there, and numerous Jean Harlow ones too, and they arent even using their legal name!

Fine, I will admit it, I was getting tired of Facebook, and therefore cutting it right back, or totally over isnt going to be that hard. I was tempted at one point to shut the other account completely, but now I’ve toned that down to leaving it open for contact purposes, via their message system, and to publicize my blogs.

I know, its not Facebook as such, they are just acting on the whims of some pedantic vintage movie folk, who dont like someone posting under the name, even if its my real one. Lets face it, there is no chance its the real Jean Harlow posting, lets face it! Oh, agreed, if I ever find out who did it, I’d look for my chance of vengeance, but for now, I’ll settle for not wasting too much time on Facebook any more. So if anyone wants me, on my Facebook account, message me. If anyone wants me to see something specific there, message, or tag me! Because otherwise, I probably wont see it!

OK, video time. A song for whoever, because seemingly now, Facebook wont let you have an account in your own name. I only hope ‘Mr Jobsworth’ is happy in his life!…rolls eyes…

Yet to have their finest hour?

I may not be the biggest fan of Social Media in the whole wide world, and I find Facebook, and to a lesser degree, Twitter, more than plenty for me. So when I had to do assessments for my current role, involving the use of social media, I had some fun working out what the headers were for some of them. Thankfully, most were blindingly obvious enough that I survived, but seriously, how many of these things do some folk have? Too many, clearly!

Anyway, last month, on Facebook, I saw the announcement of a Yorkshire Silent Film Festival, during July. Several of interest to me, but one of those I was interested in, was on an evening, well off the bus routes, so I passed on that. I know its summer, and stays light quite late, but even so, around 9.00 or so, a mile and a half walk, to get a bus back into town, no, sadly. Details…

It left 2 that I could get to, and would enjoy, but 1 of which I’d already seen on the big screen, that being Pandora’s Box, starring Louise Brooks, showing in Leeds. The other, is actually next weekend, a little nearer to me, in Hebden Bridge, Metropolis. Now somewhere here (no, I cant locate it at this moment), I have a copy of the 80’s version, with the Moroder soundtrack, on DVD. That was lengthy, but since then, in about 2010, in deepest Argentina, they found, and added about another 30 minutes of film, that they had been missing to the version, it now has a running time of 148 minutes! And judging by the running time shown for the Hebden Bridge show, thats the version they’re showing! There are now just 2 small scenes missing, incredible, really.

Fine, the bad news, for me at least. Not unreasonably, its Β£10 to get in. Hey, I paid that for Pandora’s Box, so under any other circumstances, quite fair. Of course, my lack of finances make that an issue, though, assuming I get paid this week as planned, less so than before. Also, a friend has offered to pay my entry, so no real excuse. My other issue isnt so easy to solve, its called travel by public transport in the evening! Getting there isnt an issue, the show starts at 4.00, the film starts at 4.30, so I can do the travel in about 80 minutes, door to door. The snag is, getting home again! Getting out just after 7.00, you’re talking about 2 hours to get home! And yes, I need to eat at some point, which makes that, and the money even more complex, so…I’m sort of accepting its not going to happen!

Unless, someone reading this is going, or someone reading this, knows someone who is going, who can take my travel issue out of the equation, I’m going to have to pass, I think. If you can help, shout here, or on my Facebook page (Harlean Stephanie Carpenter), though tag me, if you do, as I dont do much there on work days. I know, wont happen, but no harm in trying. I can get there fine, its really the travel back to Huddersfield afterwards where I really need help!

Fine, the video. Well, which song has a lyric in the blog title, and heavily features Metropolis in the video? Yes, this one!