Category Archives: Meghan Markle

She’s a drama queen, if thats not your thing?

I guess its fair to say that you never know how you would act if you were famous, until you’re famous, and then see how you act. Therefore, as much as I’d love to say I’d be the same me, famous, or otherwise, it really is impossible to know.

In my life I’ve met famous people that its been a pleasure to know, and thats one of the reasons for the video, because she ticked that box. It was shortly before this video came out, and I have no idea if she’s changed, or not, as I’ve never met her since. I’ve also met some that if I never met again, it wouldnt be long enough.

Its also fair to say, that even in amateur dramatics, its not hard to find divas (of both genders) who thought they were God’s gift to acting, and believe me, most of them didnt live up to their ego’s. A few really did know their stuff, and they knew it, but they really were in the minority.

But those in the world of  high celebrity who believe their own publicity, they really can be a pain! To be fair, unlike many, I’ve never been a fan of the Royal Family, but everyone keeps telling me the new generation are better. Snag is, events this week suggest otherwise.

Twice in Wimbledon fortnight, when Meghan Markle has gone there to watch the tennis in the Royal Box, she has sent her security ‘heavies’ to tell people to stop taking pictures of her. The thing is, as both people have promptly pointed out, they werent taking pictures of her, their cameras werent even aimed in her direction. But her ego said that if people were taking pictures around a tennis court, they must have this deep desire to only take pictures of her, and not the tennis players, which is what they were actually doing. One didnt even realise she was there, until she was told of the fact! But her inflated ego…

The funny thing is, in Hollywood, I wouldnt, in truth, recognise a modern day celebrity if they stood in front of me, and probably even if they introduced themselves. It actually happened once, I watched someone perform, very well I might add, but was only told who they were after we’d walked away. My excuse was he was a big name in US, but not in UK, and I’m sticking to it. But he was pleasant, polite, and may ironically have been grateful that I didnt swoon all over him, who knows?

I doubt, that unlike Meghan Markle, I could ever become a diva now, even if I did become famous, I suspect I’d be more the easy going Jean Harlow type, but you can never be sure. But now, I doubt I will ever find out!

I knew people who were working on her debut solo album, and its through them I got to meet Geri Halliwell, for 30 minutes or so. She seemed lovely, about as opposite to Ginger Spice as you could get. So what you see truly may not be what you are getting