Category Archives: Teenage boys

A funny thing happened last night

Anyone who is a Facebook friend may have seen the brief version of this already, but that certainly didnt include the video, so…it might be worth looking again lol, well, at the video at least. I promise you one thing, it wont be the last Queen song this month, due to an anniversary later in the month.

Yes, some of us have to work on Sunday’s, and if James says a word about that, well I’ll get him back at some point next year! đŸ˜‰ No, you arent going to get a full description of the day, as all the entertainment occured within 200 yards of home, on the way back in the evening.

Use your own image, you’ll have to, as far as I know there’s no CCTV down our street, and even then, you wouldnt get the sound on the film anyway. Having got off the bus near the corner, and walked through the alleyway, I started up my road towards a warm and welcoming house. Oh, and Sunday dinner (albeit a late one), but thats beside the point.

Coming in the opposite direction down the road are two boys in their teens, heading somewhere, I’ve no idea where. Me, no make up, hair a bit windblown, and definitely a bit weary from the day.

We pass each other. The beauty about teenagers is that maybe they lack for diplomatic skills we learn as adults. To quote

First boy : “Now thats what I call a she-man.”

Second boy : “What do you mean?”

First boy : “The fact that she’s so butch that she could almost be a man.”

I just smiled, and laughed as I walked down the road, and went indoors. Seemingly I might be butch, but clearly I pass as a woman all the same, albeit one he clearly didnt fiund attractive. Question is, which should I take more from, the fact that I should be flattered that he clearly thought I was a woman, or hurt that I’m clearly a very butch one lol?

Oh, the video, I so want Roger Taylor’s wig, or by some miracle, my hair looking as good as that. John Deacon’s slippers are quite cute too. So if anyone is looking for Christmas items for me…mind, the wig would have to be a decent quality one, I’d want to wear it outside as well as in!

Thanks to Amy for reminding me about this video in the first place, a posting of hers on Facebook.