Category Archives: Love

Never my love?

There are times when you are grateful that someone comes along, and provides me with perfect blog material. And yes, today was one of those occasions! The article I’m talking about? This one:

Fine, each to their own, I guess, but seriously this guy’s ego will take some beating. With his looks, I’m quite grateful in fact that he wouldnt be interested in me. As for 25 year old’s rushing after his body, I just cant see it? Well, unless he has something large, either a bank account, or …. (fill in your own word for it), I just dont see it?

I love, and agree beautifully with one quote

Oh, come on, people, give Yann Moix a break! When I look at his crumpled, wrinkly, worn old face, I find myself feeling rather relieved that I’ll never have to fight him off with a stale baguette. One of the unanticipated benefits of ageing..

Thankfully, this time, it seems to have backfired on him totally. But why men think its fine for them to date women half their age, but have a hissy fit whenever a woman does the same thing, I have no idea? No, I have no desire for a toy boy, believe me. Me, I’m probably more into a ‘sugar daddy’ or ‘sugar mummy’ in all truth, than anyone younger than me. Yes, set me up as a mature ‘Broadway (or Hollywood) Baby’, please!

I dont know, but I have to say that maybe Hollywood gives them the idea its fine to think that way. How often have you seen a movie where the ‘romantic partner’ of the middle aged man is still in her 20’s? Yes, lots? Same with mothers being pretty much the same age in real life as their son in a movie!

So fine, Mr Moix, you’ll never know what a date with me might be like! OK, currently he might have an extra issue to deal with for that, but anyway…lol! 😛 Fine, looking at him, thank goodness he isnt interested in me, really. But besides all that…

OK, video time. Any reader (other than me) that claims to remember this song, I’m impressed. It was a bigger hit in US, so just maybe, but seriously…? And yes, despite the blog title, this is the opposite end of the romance scale to Mr Moix


Are you secretly in love with me?

And before I start the actual blog, may I suggest anyone answering this in the positive about me needs to check their sanity! 😛

To misquote Jean Harlow from Dinner At Eight, “I was reading an article earlier today, and…”

It comes down to, this man was terrified of complimenting, or talking to women nowadays, because more seem to see it as an affront to their morals, than a polite, charming comment. Sadly, in truth, the comments under this piece seemed to suggest he was right, though I suspect that where it was posted (by someone else, who has a reputation for stirring in these matters), the comments in reply seemed to match his views. I know, militant feminists, love them, not! Full of outraged comments about him wanting to take things back to the 1950’s, and before, when in truth, I suspect he doesnt! Well, maybe he does, secretly, but that didnt seem to be the gist of his argument, but anyway…

As an elderly, less than stunningly beautiful, 60 year old Trans woman, I have no idea if the Hollywood trope of a strange man coming up to you in the street, and trying to charm you off your feet is true. Given I missed out on the ‘pretty young miss’ era in my life, it might work for them, who knows? I’ve only had 4 moments of ‘appreciation’ as a woman, and as far as I know, only 1 of those saw my face! 2 of those saw me side on, from a distance, so I think its safe to say my boobs (which arent even natural, lol) caught their eye, not my face. One was up a side street from where I was walking, another was when crossing the road some distance in front of him.

A third guy almost literally bumped into me, when walking up the street to get the bus, but its fair to say the reason he nearly walked into me, was because he looking at my chest, not my face.

The last one, I have no idea what he saw, because I was sat on a train heading for Leeds (yes, that long ago) for work, and he was sat next to me. Anyway, just as he was getting off the train at Dewsbury (intermediate stop), he handed me a bit of paper, with his phone number on, and asked me to call him. Given I suspected he thought I was a ‘natural’ woman (ghastly term, but anyway…), not Trans, I never did. Maybe I disappointed him more by not ringing, but I thought it was easier on him that way, than finding out the truth!

But yes, me, the thought that some guy might have found me attractive (stop laughing!), or wanted a chat over coffee, or a meal with me, and was terrified of the consequences of talking to me, well, thats heartbreaking! I know, I’m not a shy wallflower, so maybe its different with me, but anyway…?

I know, no guy is going to have fallen for my charms, and talk to me, and is scared of doing so, sad turn of events. So, if anyone sees me, and is crazy enough to want to chat while making gooey eyes, over a cup of coffee, please do so! I promise I wont ring the lunatic asylum until afterwards, if you declare undying love, lol! 😛

Tonights video, a short one from 1929. No, despite it being dancing from that era, Clara Johnson isnt there! Why, because its from Broadway, lol! Just think, shortly after this, Wall Street crashed, and then… 😦

Yes, you can tell there wasnt Health & Safety inspectors back then!


He’s not in love?

One hazard of modern day Facebook life, is the amount of fake spam accounts that try to be your friend. Mainly so they can then message you, and try and fleece you of your money, or try to sway your views on matters, often political nowadays, but thankfully this cynical old woman can now see through most of these pretty quickly.

The popular one nowadays seems to be the divorced, military serviceman, living somewhere in the US, generally Texas, or California, but not entirely limited to those states. The snags with these profiles is that because they just take stock photos off the internet, I would say that the chances of the 2-3 pictures looking like the same person, are fairly slim!

There are also the classic naming errors, so you get someone called King Peter, a military serviceman from Texas, because they’ve just taken the name from records, and not realized its giving the surname first! Even funnier when the uniform has an entirely different name on it.

The other faux pas I’ve noticed of late, is their lack of care with friends. You get a ‘divorced business person’ from Dallas, for example, who has 75% of his friends in Nigeria! I had another the other day, from a single, middle aged guy, supposedly in Los Angeles, but with one exception (other than me), all his friends were in Azerbaijan! Shame, because his name was possible, and the pictures matched, but… One of Donald’s, and Putin’s friends, I’m sure!

I know, all this is nothing new, part of life nowadays. But the one that amused me yesterday, at least for his honesty, was some guy messaging me from Pakistan. Basically his message stated that he was looking for me as a Bride, as he wanted to move to the United Kingdom. If his picture was right, he was far younger than me too! He didnt actually say that all he wanted was a marriage of convenience for a few months, then drift apart, and he stay in the country, but I’m sure that was his plan.

I was tempted to play him up, ask how much dowry I would be getting, and the like, but passed on it, deciding to be a good girl for once. I can only imagine his face when he discovered his bride came with an ‘added extra’, lol! Mind, I might have found out what life was like, under a Burqua, but too late now! Probably would have never seen him beyond getting the wedding banns, lol! There was actually a woman on my bus in Bradford last night, all I could see was her eyes (just), and yes, I did wonder what that was like, from the inside.

I guess the logic is that maybe we ‘mature’ single ladies might be desperate to find a man, so doing both of us a favor, but unluckily for him, I’m not. Whether, of course any other woman has fallen for his charms, who knows? I’m certain I wasnt the only one he wrote to!

I might be getting a change of lifestyle in the near future, but it wont be as a bride of convenience for someone from Pakistan. More in the future on that, probably! 😉

Right, video time. One of the great, classic songs of the 70’s, full length version. You might have worked out the title already!



Will you still love me tomorrow?

Well, if that doesnt give away the song, and the occasion, then I dont know what will! Which version, and there are many, you’ll either have to look at the video, the tags, or both!

Yes, tomorrow is that supposedly most romantic date on the calendar, Valentines Day!. Apart from one gift from a friend, who I was pretty sure didnt really mean it (in hindsight, and from details someone else discovered about her, she definitely didnt), I havent had anything from a Valentine this century! No, I’m not going to name, or shame said woman, who was never more than an online friend, in case you were wondering! A few might know her, it was more than a few years back, but most wont!

So, in truth, the chance of anyone still loving me tomorrow, is pretty much zero, or less. Fine, its probably for the best now, I’ve probably grown horribly independent now, doing pretty much what I want to do at all times, so the idea of coming to mutual agreement on such matters now, would be nigh impossible. Oh, and all that besides, if I get involved, it may well mean a need for a certain form of surgery, and I’m trying to avoid more imminently needed pain, without adding to the pain by having my bits ‘bobbed’ and stuff like that, lol.

But fine, if ever there are a pair of days when it hurts to be single, this is the first one, and then there’s tomorrow! So yes, I suspect the only way I could now make a good wife/partner, would be if someone arranged me to go to the ‘Stepford School For Good Housewives’, but fine, I would enjoy that, given the chance!

Otherwise, I guess I’d better just get on with being an old maid, until 13th February 2019, at least, lol! Mind, if someone is feeling suitably crazy, or there’s a mad scientist out there that fancies customizing his ‘perfect wife’, well…? No, dont have any great expectations, somehow!

The Shirelles were the group that made this song famous in the first place, and my personal pick would be a catchy version by Middle Of The Road, which I cant find on You Tube! So, lets settle for a version sung by the person who should know the song best, as she co-wrote it!

I will have to do without you?

OK, amusing story time.

When I got back to work last week, as well as being told of the forthcoming change of team at work, which though I dont mind it in the slightest, I’d still quite enjoy it if someone convinced me about it, using this machine…

Yes, I know, I wish!

The second thing that was waiting for me, in the form of a piece of paper on my desk, is something from the daily free newspaper over here, known as the Metro, an article called Rush Hour Crush. Yes, it is as awful as it sounds, judging by the posts in the one left on my desk, but anyway…A couple of people especially, know of a certain bus journey crush I have, and it was placed there because of her, and me. In truth, I have no idea why I crush on her, because strictly, she isnt my type. She’s very slim, pretty much flat chested, and non exceptional looks. But, but, she just has something I adore, though thats a mystery ingredient, for sure. But anyway…

Last night, for the first time in weeks, I saw her. Mainly because I didnt see her just before I went on holiday, or the first week I was back, plus that 2 week gap, so…it was a treat when I saw her at the bus stop, and then realized there were no double seats left downstairs, so yes, she went upstairs, I was downstairs, and I’m not that predatory! Fine, I’m not in the slightest predatory, so I had to settle for 2 brief sightings.

Anyway, in line with those Crush postings, I jokingly posted this on my Facebook page, as they always love to know when I see her

Cute, slim blonde on 7.20 363 to Bailiff Bridge tonight. Coffee, or more?
Tall, butch looking blonde

I know, silly stuff, but anyway…Yes, I’m crazy, someone said they would text it in (cant do it myself, no mobile phone), if I wanted them to, and I said yes. Fine, it helps that I know she never reads anything but her kindle on the bus, so I think I’m safe from her reading it. I suppose someone at her work place might, and work out who its aimed at, but I’m sure the chances of that are equally slim.

On top of all that, I know she has a ring, but I have no idea if its a wedding ring. Probably is, but…? Oh, and secondly, I’m sure the only way someone like her would consider a sapphic relationship would be by influencing her mind, something like this!

But yes, fine, if it appears in the Metro (tomorrow would be the earliest possibility for that), and she looks at me, in a certain way, the next time I see her, well…I’ll probably still have to do without even a friend for coffee! But, just maybe…?

The video, some old Doris Day, from Calamity Jane, what I will probably have to do, concerning my certain cute lady…

How much do I need to say?

One of the things that always amazes me, is how many men go chasing after me, online, at least. Oh fine, I know those from the sub continent only see me as an easy entry into the UK, and dont look too closely at the profile, only see that I’m single, middle aged, and I might feel flattered by a young guy wanting to chat me up. The other ‘popular’ group, are those pretending to be in the US Military, divorced, or widowed, who are nothing of the kind. Judging by their likes on their accounts, they are in Africa, generally in either Nigeria, or Kenya, or those kind of areas at least. The funny bit is, they try to take the surname of said military person, to match the image, but all take as their Christian name, rather than Surname. So I had one earlier today, who was Miller Geogre (yes, cant even spell George) Mutumbi. Yes, image was of a white American guy, with the surname, Mutumbi. Yes, I know, quickly deleted.

The funny thing was, a little while back, I got a friendship request that wasnt an exact match of one of these guys, but had similarities. But he just had enough additional profile info, that I took a chance, and accepted him. Shock horror, I think he’s genuine, even if he is a Marine Engineer (second only to military with these), and as my friend Stacie said, his schooling was at a strange place for a white guy. Given it was in LA, I was inclined to agree, but anyway, at the moment… Yes, his times on, would generally seem reasonable for someone in that time zone.

Thing is, that old chestnut, despite it being all over my profile that I’m transgendered, I’m not convinced he knows! Maybe he does, and doesnt care, but from the way he talks about his children, and things, I dont think he does. I mean would you want a pre op trans woman as a mother to your children? Fine, I know, some would, but generally…Oh, he’s in California, so it is a more open minded state, but…

Big question, how much does etiquette say that I have to say it out loud to him, or is it fair for me to assume that because its there, in big letters on my profile, that if he’s ignoring the fact, its not my fault? I mean, if it ever comes to a point where he wants me to go out there (ha ha), I would mention it, to make sure, but before then, as its not likely to happen? What do you think?

Right, video time. What he is already claiming, but I think he wants a genuine woman, not a woman like me? Oh fine, its not the greatest version, but lets face it, if I had been a teen girl in the 70’s, I’d have probably been one of those girls screaming at this band.

Its my proposal, anyone want to accept?

So fine, given a weekend filled with sickness, we wont focus on that too much. Beyond saying that I’m fine now, and thats all you need to worry about at this point. Unless you have a job to offer me, just about anywhere, then feel free to show concern, and interest.

But lets instead look at a piece of leap year silliness that we only get to enjoy once every 4 years, that day when ladies are free to propose to their man, and (in Scotland at least) if they refuse, the man has to pay the fine of a kiss, a dress, and a new pair of gloves! This law dates back to the 13th Century, though the legend of how this date came to be, relates to 2 Irish Saints back in the 5th Century! The famous Patrick, and the less famous Bridget. No, not that she wanted to propose to him (though maybe she did?), she just wanted the right to do so, if she fancied it. Seriously, 1 day, every 4 years, gee, thanks, Patrick!

Now, of course in these glorious days of single sex marriage, and everything else, this might make things a whole lot more complex, if ladies could only propose to their lady, on one day, every 4 years! Besides which, in modern times, I suspect that if any good lady really wanted to get things moving on that front, she’d just get on and do it, though hopefully only after dropping a few less than subtle hints to the guy that he should get it done!

No, dont worry guys, I have no plans to propose to anyone, would be a bit hard, given I’ve got no one in my life at present, nor am I likely to have, to do so in 4 years time, I suspect! Equally, I’m not really expecting anyone to propose to me, for much the same reason. Would I do it, even if I could? Probably not, mainly because I am that old fashioned type of girl, who wants that proposal made to her, should it ever (be a miracle if it did) happen to me.

But, at least unlike Bridget, I wouldnt actually have to wait 4 years for my next chance for it to happen, should I need it.

The 29th February, inevitably holds less birth, and death anniversaries than most days, as events can only occur every 4 years, not every years, as per normal. Alright, before anyone writes (ha ha) to tell me that 1700, 1800 and 1900 werent Leap Years, I know, but generally…

4 Years ago today, we lost one of the original Monkees, Davy Jones at the age of 66. I know, I was only young when they were famous, first time around, and everything, but…It makes you think about your own time, all the same.

But no, the video is not a Monkees one, unsurprisingly, the clue is in the blog title. And tonight, you get 2 choices. The first, being the wonderful, extended 12″ version, with no video attached.

The second, is the standard 7″ version of the song

A heart that’s shattered

So fine, lets start off a thoroughly cheery weekend for me, posting here. OK, I’m lying, badly, but anyway… I’ll save the really depressing stuff for Sunday, so as to not spoil people’s weekend, at least.

Right, so yes, I wasnt really expecting a valentine dinner, or anything, or even a card, but you can hope, and dream, until they’re crushed, at least. I guess something could arrive in the post tomorrow, but I suspect its as likely as Leicester winning the Premier League, or something…Oh, hold that, whoever would have believed it at the start of the season, mind? Great though, isnt it? But fine, looking at the table, as likely as Aston Villa winning the title lol!

OK, the amusing moment. You know how most women fall for that gorgeous hunk of a man? You’re right, not for me! Me, the guy that makes my heart flutter every time I see him on TV, and thats quite often. You know who it is? Winston Wolfe, of Direct Line Insurance fame. Fine, stop laughing, I love him at least! Oh goodness, he could sort my, err, insurance claim, any time he wished to!

I know, he’s got a less than savoury past history, I gather, from a movie he was in, but girls, dont you just love a guy who might be a little bit wicked? 😉

But seriously, Harvey Keitel, I’m not going to be stalking you, just not my style, and never will be, you’ll be delighted to hear.

So fine, in truth, I’d probably enjoy it almost as much if a man (or woman) took my body, and did wicked things to it, as being wined, and dined, but… I’ve done one, and I’d love the treat of the other, while I still have the chance! So…? No, fine, I dont expect to get the wicked treatment either, on Sunday! Just a quiet, depressing day, alone.

The video, a glorious oldie, that really shows it age. Yes, 1960’s! Sums up me, and romance though, for sure.

Lets Be A Little Rebel

OK, lets have a look back on that dramatic dating agency experience, looking for men, and ponder the next, perhaps more daring step.

As I said a few posts back, the one thing that surprised me, was that men didnt seem to want a submissive transgender girl to perform sex on them, they wanted to perform sex on me! And yes, I expect most of them would say they were straight, but anyway…Of course, as history shows, that might all be talk, as that seems to be as big a step as anyone on there wants to take, well, for men of my age at least. Younger people might tell a different story, but for those of us of an older generation…

But as one friend pointed out to me, they were surprised at my choice of gender chasing, because as they said to me, I’d be happier with a woman, in a lesbian relationship, and yes, I think they’re right. But was it worth trying it out, to see what happened? Yes, I think it was, and I’m glad I did it, in one sense, though I’m not sure it was ever the right one.

But yes, tomorrow, I plan to change the advert to woman seeking woman, and see what happens? Me, I’m not sure that lesbian women will really want a woman around them, with an extra bit, but who knows, I was surprised by the number of men looking for women who wanted to, and did contact me. I’ll be honest, I have no idea what level of contact I will get, if any, but I wouldnt be surprised to get a small number at least. Maybe more, who can tell? And whether those that do, want to do more than chat, that might be another issue!

And after that experiment has had its time, I suspect it will be going back to a single life. A female partner would be wonderful, but seriously…?

OK, fine, tonight, lets go for the double, artist wise at least, for the video. Well, some might say that a Transgender girl, looking for a female, lesbian partner, might a be a little rebel?

Waiting for my boyfriend

Due to the stunning (relative) popularity of the sensational news that I tried my luck on a dating agency, lets do a brief follow up piece. Mainly because there isnt much else to talk about, so…

Fine, it might just be the site I went to, but the main thing I’ve discovered with this place, is that while some might like to ‘meet you’, as per their version of the like button, in reality, most of them dont, they just want to chat. Yes, perhaps on the pricier sites, like Match, or EHarmony, because they’re paying for the privilege, they move a bit quicker, but here…it seems most want to talk, but go no further. Even more so when I make it clear I have no real interest in them sucking me off, which seems to be the main trans fascination for supposedly straight men. No, I really dont get that, if they’re straight, why do they want to suck another person’s cock (especially one who wishes she didnt have one!), but anyway…

I mean, I assumed in this case, the girl would be sucking her man off, but…rolls eyes! At least I’m not paying for this, the only consolation, as I see it! So no, I’m not seriously expecting this to lead to me being whisked down the aisle some how!

Funniest moment so far? This morning, some guy in Leeds wanted to meet me, or at least according to the button he did. So I went to take a look at his profile, as I usually do with these. He looked OK, and his profile comment was full of words about people being all talk, and no action, much as I’d discovered. So, I wrote him a quick message as such, commenting about this. Anyway, he replied to me that he didnt suppose I was any more interested in a chat, and ‘first date’ than any of the others. So I replied, that actually, I would, given he’s relatively local (unlike everyone else I’ve spoken to), I thought why not?

Never got a reply, so I suspect he was no more interested in a date than any of the others, in truth. Fine, I’ll give it a few more days, before giving up the battle, I guess? Or maybe at that point, change it to woman seeking woman, just to see what happens? More of the same, I suspect, but I might just give it a try?

But if anyone knows a wealthy, trans girl loving guy, living in the Los Angeles area, let me know, or tip him off about me, or something! Bonus if he’s Dominant, but equal partnership would be fine by me. Hey, if he wants to mind control me to be his Domme, I wouldnt complain. But realistically, none of that ever is going to happen to a girl like me, lets face it.

Right, video. What I’m doing at the moment, waiting for a boyfriend lol.