Category Archives: Liverpool

Something to put me off marriage

Even if anyone was crazy enough to want to marry me in the first place! The thought of me, as a bride, hmm…can’t see it happening!

But no, its not the sanity of men, or women that is putting me off marriage, though strictly in that case, its more likely me putting them off marriage. Its something that has grown in popularity in recent times, the hen party! Please, I do not want to get involved in something like that, from what I’ve seen of them at least.

Unfortunately, Leeds seems to be a popular destination for these affairs, especially on a Friday, or Saturday night. When I finish about 8, or 9, as I head down to the station, you pass these groups. Somewhere between 4 and a dozen women, usually drunk (or verging on it), even by that time of night, out on the prowl. They might be too young to fit the ‘Cougar’ definition, but on a search for men, oh yes! Mind, usually the biggest giveaway is the sash, or badge, that says hen party anyway lol!

But on Friday, it wasnt in Leeds that I hit the hen party that inspired this blog, it was on the train to Leeds that lunchtime. Now, I dont want this taken disparagingly, but a bunch of 8 women, from Liverpool, already very drunk, with all but one dressed in bright pink, with the hen party sash, and a frightening pair of those pink headpiece things, also with hen party written on them, was the sight that met me.

The thing was, any man passing them, down the train, in either direction (including the conductor) were subject to sexual innuendos, and in at least one case, physical groping! Thankfully, I was clearly in pass mode, because not a word was said to me! Thankfully, they were going to York, so I wasnt subject to their escort when the train stopped at Leeds.

I know, I know, for some, its a lot of fun, but as someone who has never seen the point in getting drunk, just for the sake of it, and most definitely cannot see what you get out of sexually teasing a man you dont even know, I have no idea.

Oh, and it wasnt my last. Yesterday afternoon, I ran into another hen party, on the platform at Huddersfield. Definitely not sober, definitely not quiet, but angelic compared to the Liverpool mob!

Seriously, if you have to have a hen night, to get married, I’ll live in sin! Not that the situation is ever likely to arise, but…

The video, a Liverpool band (seemed apt), and my chances of finding anyone wanting to marry me!

25 years ago today…

Yes, I know, I’m not a football fan, but its hard to overlook this awful landmark, all the same. Besides which, despite some comments here, its less controversial than the other thing I considered posting, so… Make the most of it, no idea when the next football related posting will be!

On April 15th 1989, Liverpool were playing Nottingham Forest in an FA Cup Semi Final, at Hillsborough, a football ground in Sheffield, for any readers from outside the UK. Just one thing, back in those days, stadiums were not all seater places, as they are today, back then, most people stood on what they call the terraces (I believe?). Unfortunately back then, alcoholic drinking before matches was heavier than it is today. I’m not saying the fans are sober now, but generally, if you’re too drunk now, you dont get in!

To be honest, details of exactly what happened are vague, partly because of the nature of things, partly because the South Yorkshire police forces would probably prefer not all the details to come out, as most versions of it, put them to some degree of fault as to what happened next.

Just before kick off time, the crowds rushed out of the pubs, and headed for the ground, all trying to get in before kick off. Seemingly the turnstiles couldnt cope, and the police gave instructions for the gates to be opened, and thousands flooded in. Which might have been fine, but momentum carried them into the people already standing there, and people got crushed. After 6 minutes, the game was stopped, when there were clear signs of problems, but sadly, 96 people died in the chaos that ensued. There has been previous enquiries, another is indeed going on now, but the police have always been slightly vague as to what exactly happened that day. Will we ever know the full story, somehow I doubt it, but lets hope.

All games this last weekend (closest full list of matches to the event) in the main leagues in England kicked off 7 minutes late, as a tribute to this, well justified. I just hope that nothing like this ever happens again, is all I can say.

The video, this is pre match at Liverpool, on Sunday, the best tribute I could think of

Of course for me, its not the football disaster closest to my heart. That happened just under 29 years ago, at Valley Parade, Bradford, a ground I was taken to games at a few times when younger, in the hope of making me ‘more of a man’, I guess, that boyish initiation into the rites of football. I showed some interest, and indeed went a few times on my own, but now its about 10 years since I went there. But for 2 games that I escorted Eric to, at Huddersfield, as treats, I havent been to a game in all that time, and not likely to change.
The day of the Bradford disaster was a Saturday, and I was at work in Yeovil. Someone came in with the news, knowing they were ‘my team’ (as much as any was) and someone had a radio (yes, no TV in betting shops back then!) and I was able to get details that way. 56 people died, no one I knew thankfully, but anyway…I hoped then that it was the last time I would hear news like that, sadly it wasnt.

So today, we remember those poor 96 people who died at Hillsborough, 25 years ago today.

Rest in peace.