Category Archives: Voting

Hell Raiser? Trailblazer?

One thing I’ve always tried to do, at any election, is vote. I just feel that regardless of who you support (or in the case of UK, plan to support tomorrow), if you dont vote, you have no right to complain about the outcome of the vote. I actually missed one earlier this month, the local council election, because I can barely walk (and thats being optimistic) more than a few hundred yards now, due to the fact that the brain, and mobility rarely both function well at the same time, due to the seizure stuff. Quite often one works, and the other doesnt, and I get the odd day where neither are in a going mood, and the very rare day when both work.

So, given that around here, only one party was ever going to win the vote (they did, comfortably), and the pain it would be to arrange someone to transport me to a voting station about 600 yards away, park to allow me to vote, and then collect me again, I didnt bother, no great issue.

Thing is, tomorrow is the vote that should have never happened, the EU Election, but it is. No, I’m not going to say which side I’m on, or who I’m planning to vote for, neutrality, and all that. But because this is a regional, proportional vote thing, my vote is a bit more important. So… Before anyone says anything, it was a bit late to arrange a postal vote after the seizures, and besides which, my brain really isnt up to challenges like that. If I get a negative result from the neurologist next month, as expected, then I probably will for the future, but this is sooner than that, so…

In the fairly unlikely event that my mobility is good tomorrow, I intend to walk up to the voting building, and cast my vote that way. Mind, if thats the case, the chance of my brain being up to the complex voting thing, we will see, lol? So what’s Plan B, you ask? Well, Eric has one of those mobility vehicles, and I’m going to give that a try, if needed. No, obviously I’ve never used one before, but he tells me its not that difficult to drive (famous last words), and as its not far…?

In truth, if they’re going away in the autumn for a few weeks, and I’m still here, I’m going to need some way of getting around, if I need to, and something like that is the best option locally, other than taxis, which is a bit expensive! The last time I drove anything? Well, I was in my 20’s, and now I’m 61, so… I’d stay off the streets around here tomorrow, lol, as I dont know yet when I’m going out. Funny thing is, I’m out again Friday, to the surgery for blood tests, and to collect prescriptions, but wisely planning to do that by taxi, as a fair bit further, and I suspect I’ll need more practice before doing that distance! But weather permitting, I will get there to vote, thats for sure.

Right, video time. When you grow up on Glam Rock, and know this is 46 years old, you know you’re old, lets face it. Oh, but I’m a ‘Sweet’ old lady, lol. Or maybe I’m a…?





Female voters of the world unite

Now I know this might look like politics, but it isnt! Over here in the UK, on Thursday, most of us (if not all?) get to vote in local council elections, and in all honesty, on the whole, turnout isnt all that great. Which is a shame, really, in truth.

Women, just remember that a mere century ago, we werent even allowed the vote, only men could make that ‘complicated’ decision, and all that stuff. Then WW1 came along, along with the whole Suffragette movement, and the rest, as they say, is history. A decade or so later, all women of legal voting age at the time, finally got the vote. Yes, there were restrictions for the first decade or so, over here, even then.

So given all their brave efforts, especially those who gave their lives for the cause, shouldnt we all go out and vote on Thursday, just to show it was worth their while. No, I dont care who you vote for, some of you will probably feel the same way politically as me, numerous others wont, but thats not the point of this piece, as for once, I dont care how you vote!

And fine, given that the stats suggest to me that I have a crazy following in the US, I’m going to say the same now, for women in the US, for November, go out and do the same! Maybe your 2 party system makes it easier to work out who I would vote for over there, but thats beside the point, this piece is about the emancipation, and the right to vote for women, and its centenary, in UK at least.

And to all readers in those countries, of either gender, you really ought to go out and vote. It may, or may not make a difference (around here, very doubtful), but at least then you have the right to complain about what our council leaders do if you dont like it. Well, unless you voted for them, in which case… Of course, if you didnt bother to vote…rolls eyes…?

So, this Thursday, or whatever date it is in your country, ladies, just go out and vote, and make those who gave their lives to give us this chance, proud of us. OK, enough said, I hope?

Video time. This song is over 50 years old, but hey, its still younger than me, just. And hey, its where I got the play on the blog title from, so…