Category Archives: Vampires

Fancy a bite of lunch?

Apparently today is World Vampire Day. Not because there are more vampire flying around looking for blood, for a meal, but because its the anniversary of the day of the release of Bram Stoker’s book in 1897, and lets face it, in these days of hype, and social media, any excuse will do. Fine, I found out through Twitter, so sue me. Better, come and bite me, and sup on my blood, though my days of being an innocent virgin are long gone. Strictly, if I do get permission to get my bits bobbed a la Sex Reassignment Surgery, I would actually be a virgin again, but innocent might be more of an issue, lol!

Fine, yes, I do wonder what it would be like to be bitten by, and maybe transformed by a vampire as they supposedly do? I know, I’d probably enjoy it far more than I’m meant to, but besides all that… Or would they just take me as a quick feed, on the way to someone more interesting, and sexy?

Its funny, it was only earlier this week that a photo was posted on one of the vintage film groups, of the Brides of Dracula. Now that would be a fun role in a remake, and I’d probably need less make up to look so haggard, and pale, than some!

Lets face it, in folk lore, Vampires go back far further than Stoker, back to the Middle Ages in fact, and Alucard, and Vlad the Impaler, and the like. All truth, all fake, who knows, but today is definitely the day to think about it.

The video is from the 1992 Dracula movie, sung by Annie Lennox

The music of the vampire of the night

So fine, the last couple of blogs have had meaningful thoughts, and details, mixed in with some light hearted stuff, so lets continue in that vein (pardon the pun) for tonight as well. And yes, I’m told my teeth will look normal in the morning lol! 😛

Yes, today was the day when a woman broke my skin, and took blood from my body. Oh fine, honestly, it wasnt a vampire with her teeth, but…that might have made for a more fun day if it had been, and I could have flown home afterwards lol! That would have been a lot quicker than relying on the truly awful First Bus service, for sure!

To be honest, I remembered the last time that someone tried to take some blood from me for a test, and they had a hard time trying to find a viable vein to take some from. So I wondered if today might be the same, but no, she found one easily, sharpened her teeth, and bit…mmm!

No, honest, she didnt. She pricked me with a needle, withdrew a reasonable amount of blood (or it seemed so to me at least), and then simply gave me a small pad to hold over the spot, and that was it! Well, stuck it to my arm, like a plaster, which is how I have it now, but besides all that…

I know, no secret serum injected into my veins, turning me into who knows what (robot would have been nice, obviously), no nibbling with teeth to turn me into an innocent victim of a vampire, or anything like that, shame!

Ah, the buses. There are 2 routes that head in my direction from the Hospital. One should run every 10 minutes, one should run every 20. Both had a bus due soon after I arrived at the bus stop, so…Yes, eventually, 25 minutes or more later, 2 buses turned up, pretty much at the same time. Before that, who knows, invisible buses? Or maybe I had been turned into a vampire, and just couldnt see them? No, nobody else saw them either, lol! I honestly think the only things that bus company are First for, are unreliabilty, and poor service!

So yes, again, I have to wait on results, which should be about a week or two. No, I dont think they’ll be telling me I’ve been turned into a vampire, somehow! 😛 Hopefully they’ll offer me a whole new body, but thats very unlikely too!

Right, video time. There is, as often, a clue to the song in the blog title. The singer, one of the true greats of all time!