Category Archives: Coast To Coast

Lets fly the broomstick!

Well, I guess that on Thursday, the next blog might have to mention some soccer tournament, if the result is right tomorrow night, but other than that, I’m running a bit low on ideas now I’m producing 3 blogs a week, for 2 blogs, so if anyone has any subject matter they want discussed, with weird being fine, feel free to suggest away! And by the way, if you thing this blog is a bit out of left field, you should see the other one, or perhaps you will? 😉

Lets just say that if I wait for a polite, sweet greeting from Eric when I get home from work, I’ll have a long wait. Dont get me wrong, thats not in the nature of either of us, and being truthful, I’d wonder what was up if he did!

So, to cut a long story short, I got home last night, to discover that Eric had lost his broomstick that he uses in the back yard. Yes, thats right, I was asked if I’d taken it out for a flight, as, you know, like witches do! Well, I suppose it makes a change from the alien, or dinosaur comments, but besides that… No, before you ask, I hadnt seen it, and definitely hadnt taken it out for a flight, though in truth, I only wish I could, as it would be far more reliable than First Buses will ever be! And equally, as per last night, if I got a late call, as its about time to go home, thereby missing my normal bus, it would be so much easier if I did have one.

Instead of then leaving Bradford 22 minutes later than normal, and then suffering a journey where the driver seemed to think that 30 mph would be excessive, so I was late back to Huddersfield, and therefore missed the bus I should catch home off that one. I ended up blowing some of my tax refund on a taxi fare home, so that I could avoid being 30 minutes or so late home.

Yes, just imagine the convenience, if all I had to do was pick up my broom, get to my take off space in the car park, and fly home. Fine, I might prefer a helmet, to a witches hat, but hey, I guess if I had magical powers, it probably wouldnt matter? Get home, and indeed to work far quicker if I could too, what a bonus! And fine, I know witches arent meant to be the prettiest of creatures, but given this is me we’re talking about, lol…?

Wonder if I could make the TV news, flying to and from work on one of those? I suspect the answer is yes, most definitely, but then again, I would in a flying saucer too! Mind, one of those, and the trip would probably be down to minutes, I suspect a broomstick might be slightly slower, lol?

But yes, if anyone has a flying broomstick (ideally with safety harness), or even better, a flying saucer, or space craft that I could use for commuting, please, please let me know! Seriously, I’d love to have to not rely on First Buses, believe me!

OK, video time. Sadly, You Tube couldnt provide me with a live Brenda Lee performance of this song (just a small snippet), so you’ll have to settle for the more recent (still 37 years old) Coast To Coast version. Yes, that blonde dancing in the background, I wish!