Category Archives: Cockney Rebel

Come up and see me, I’ll make you smile

Firstly, to warn people, you’ll get 2 blogs this weekend, just that it will be one tonight, and one tomorrow. Firstly because I’m running a bit late to do 2, and secondly, I havent really got an obvious subject for the other blog at this moment. Well, not on the blog where most readers think I’m a natural woman, anyway… So why do this tonight? Well, I’ve got time to do one, and its also a special date.

Yes, someone a ‘little bit naughty’ was born on this date, 126 years ago. How she lastly to 87, given her lifestyle, I have no idea, but she did. Yes, Mary Jane (better known as Mae) West is the lady I’m talking about. Its amazing only to think that by the time she became the ‘saucy minx’ of pre code movies, she was already fast approaching 40! By which point, a few years earlier she had served a short prison sentence (only 10 days) for creating a show so naughty that she upset the authorities. I suspect it would probably be seen as fine now, but back in 1927, well… OK, fine, she set out to upset them, but anyway…

Its fair to say I wasnt upset to be told I looked a lot like a classic era movie star after the first photo shoot I did with a very talented guy in Leeds, the thing that surprised me was that it was Jean Harlow. Well, given I was in my fifties, she died at 26, so… but fine I could see the resemblance to her mother, who would have been closer to my age at the time. But yes, if you’d showed me a set of pictures of blonde, movie stars from the early 30’s, and asked me who I looked most like, I would have said Mae West. So yes, how close was I to being named Mary/Mae Stephanie West, who can say?

I think its fair to say that apart from the sex thing, my attitude to life is probably closer to Mae, than Jean, though the latter was a little minx when she wanted to be, I must say. Oh, a picture of the lady, well? And for comparison?

My next acting part, Mae looking back on her ‘quiet’ life, hmm? Oh goodness, that would be naughty, but nice! Somehow I dont see me being as sharp as she was at 87, even assuming they can rebuild me enough to get that far! One thing is for sure, somewhere, today, she will be celebrating her birthday in style, maybe?

OK, video time. I’m not sure if beyond Steve Harley, any of this band were in the original Cockney Rebel, but its a live version, which they definitely werent back then! And its almost Mae’s most famous line, lets face it

Here comes the sun

Yes, shock horror, summer may finally have arrived, though probably only for a few days, knowing our luck! But something went wrong, the weather has been lovely here today, and its supposed to last for at least a few days more.

I can see me heading for work tomorrow in just a t-shirt and trousers, though given I’ll be fairly late home, I suspect I might take a light coat with me all the same, suspect 10 pm might not be quite that warm lol! But hopefully…

As many will know, summer up to this point has been pretty much a wash out, quite literally in many places. I couldnt believe the number of waterlogged race meetings while I was away in Seattle, though that problem has been gone for a short while now. But today, today was lovely, it has to be said, and the weathermen are even threatening its going to last until at least, ooh, Friday. I might even have to discard my summer boots if it stays like this! Yes, I might wear shoes, though definitely not ones with killer heels lol!

My main regret this summer, is going to be the lack of a trip to Ireland to watch the team play cricket, the logistical planning of the sporting summer makes such a trip nigh imnpossible, so it will have to pass me by. The ‘ghastly’ Euro 2012 Football will be followed shortly after by the Olympics, so all in all, makes for a lively summer at work. I could say other things about work at present, but with discretion being the better part of valour, I wont!

I will say, roll on September, and New England though, really looking forward to that, and hopefully some nice weather while there. Good company is already ensured while there, I might add. I’m such a forward planner that both venues for 2013 are already settled in my mind, and April 2014 as well. Not sure if that makes me wise, or sad, but… Oh, and September 2014 is down to one of three places already as well lol!

And given we will probably be back to weather suitable for ducks by next week, I’d better slip this video in while I can. You’ve worked out the song, I’m sure, just need to know which version, dont you? Well, you can either click the link, or look at the categories, or both to find out.

And no, I have no plans to buy a bikini lol!