Category Archives: Virginia

Virginia Plain

Fine, lets not talk about ireland conjuring up defeat from the jaws of victory yesterday in the cricket. Mind, when they were 4-2 early on, my main concern was that we didnt get routed. But then Ed Joyce scored a century, and Pakistan were 17-4, then 133-7 chasing 230 to win, the dreams of an irish victory grew, only to be dashed again. I know, I know, Pakistan should win, but in all honesty, you end up feel down because we didnt. But such is cricket, and all that, but as I said, thats not what I’m talking about tonight.

Regular readers should know by now that my holiday plans tend to end up being flexible, unlike several joints in my body! And guess what, they’re changing again. Whats that you say, Kansas in September? Err, maybe not! Next year probably, though as usual, please dont quote me on that! No, actually, September holiday, you must have been seeing things if you thought that, I’m going to Richmond, Virginia.

No, you werent really seeing things, its a change of plan, thats all. My friend Kate is far cleverer than me, at least in the work field sense, and probably others too, but anyway…Basically she’s involved in a work project in, or around that city, and given the current timings for it, she wasnt going to be able to get away in September. And most definitely not later for a month or so, either. So I got an email asking me if I fancied a week in the Richmond area instead, with the comment of ‘no, I knew you wouldnt’ tacked on to it. So I fooled her, and said yes. I was actually there about 13 years ago, and though I dont remember much about it, I do remember it was quite a nice area. Hadnt really thought about going back until now, but then…

Cutting a long story short, thats now the holiday destination for September. Kansas, as I said, next year. Given the ‘flattering’ things Louise Brooks said about Wichita, she’d probably tell me I was doing the right thing anyway, but I will get there soon, just to discover it for myself.

No, I dont expect to get the chance to dress up like, or behave like Scarlett O’Hara, but if someone is offering the chance…I might give it a try lol!

Today has actually been quite a change for me, with my job, you dont get bank holidays off, well not other than Christmas Day (no racing), and the Boxing Day/New Years Day option offered to everyone. But when I saw my shifts for this week, I had Monday off! Actually a treat, given its a Sunday bus service, which makes getting to and from a work a bit of a pain on these days. Just a shame that today the weather has been lovely, and tomorrow when I can get around, is supposed to be wet most of the day. We will see, and if the forecast is wrong (which would hardly be a first), I will probably get out for a while. If it is wet, I might still get out, though I would have to rethink things a bit.

In fact, if the weather is reasonable, its only £5 to see the end of the test match at Leeds, not that its got long to go, but never having been to a test match, well, I might look out the window early tomorrow, just in case. Maybe one day I will get to see Ireland play a test match, who knows?

But for now, the video. Yes, holiday related, and yes, as so often, the blog title is the giveaway