Hey, that age number has gone up!

Yes, as mentioned earlier in the week, its my birthday today, and that number clicked up to hit 55. Its been my sort of day to be honest, a lay in, a quiet day here getting on with things, and a lovely meal out with the others from here tonight. Agreed, nothing terribly exciting there, but that suits me fine. I’ll save the excitement for 5 weeks time, when I go on holiday. Not that it will be a wild, debauched affair, anything but, but figuratively at least I’ll let my hair down, hard to actually do so when you have it bobbed lol!

Oh, as to what I wore tonight, I took the middle route. Heels, though not the really high ones was what I wore. Quite a nice surprise that it was warm enough for shoes, lets hope that lasts! I could have worn the high heels, can walk quite well in them now, and can even do decently in stilettos, but in public, for the first time, no, I took the easy way out. Must wear the high heels out sometime soon though. Stilettos might take a bit longer for that, but my ‘driving’ in them is improving dramatically, so at some point in the future, I may well wear them too.

Yes, I wore blouse and skirt, but more because I wanted to wear green (irish ancestry, and St Patricks day tomorrow thing), and the only green dress I have is in the laundry basket at present. I probably could have worn the pink dress I’ve been wearing all day, with no one blinking, but green just seemed right today. More than it did in the rugby today, but lets not say more about that…facepalm!

Because of the climatic possibilities for Rochester in April, its hard to plan in advance as to what I’m taking to wear while over there, could be anything from 20 to 70, or anywhere in between, so choosing clothes, and footwear will end up being a fairly last minute decision. Kansas in September should be easier lol, almost certain to be hot, probably with a capital H! But I suspect a combination of skirts, trousers and a dress will go in the case all the same. Footwear, no idea! Heels certainly, high heels, not so sure! Flats, definitely! Winter boots, I hope not!

Right, now for the video. No, its not Altered Images, did that last year apparently. So lets go for something radically current, the new single from OMD, due to be released very shortly. All I can say is that the train in this is far more reliable than Trans Pennine Express are ever likely to be.

Its not Betjeman, but it is Metroland.

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