One By One

I think its fair to say thats how my blog posting has gone lol. The crazy thing is, all those blogs, the next one after this, I hit the century! No, I wont expect the crowd to applaud at Headingley (or insert major cricket ground you know) for this ton when it arrives early next week (I strongly suspect), or indeed anyone else to do so in all honesty, but hey, thats quite a number, and one I never imagined reaching in all honesty when I started this last year.

Judging by the number of tags I’ve got, I’ve covered a wide range of subjects so far, and plan to continue to do so. Some might occur more often than others, my money being on cricket, and transgender issues being high on that potential list. There will certainly be something from Seattle in April, and more from New England in September. There will almost certainly be more frustration with a certain train company as well lol!

I’m on holiday next week, nothing wild planned, a few days out, one day of pampering, combined with an effort to get my knees, and back, into a healthier state, the latter being more of a challenge for Linda, I suspect! I hope the weather holds up, the forecast is reasonable, but we all know how reliable they are! Got 2 more shifts at work before then, but then a week of being able to sleep to a ‘reasonable’ hour, and a few days of de-stressing will be good for me. Got so much holiday left to take in the year (till end of March) that I’ve still got 4 more days after this, at the beginning of March!

I’ll try to come up with something special for the century posting, though in all honesty, at the moment I have no idea what. So, if anyone (James, or others free to comment) has any ideas on that front…?

Without wishing to sound like an Oscars winner, I would like to thank all those who read this for doing so, the stats do tell me I’m not just posting to myself (and James) which is nice to know!

The song, for once I fancy that none of my readers will know this song, given it was a B side, 40 years ago by the New Seekers. I might have a senior, British reader here, but not many I suspect? It was the runner up for UK Eurovision entry for that year in Edinburgh, a song called Beg, Steal Or Borrow beat it, and came 2nd overall. I hope you like…

2 responses

  1. Now, that is a song I didn’t know and really enjoyed.

    As for the century post, maybe interesting things you have done about 100 times? Just a thought.


  2. I’ll think about it. Really want to do something a bit more to mark the century, just not sure what. Getting close to that point in stories written, if you include a few not posted on Archive. But dont think I can post about them here lol!


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