I’d like to buy the world a (Diet) Coke

Some of my more senior readers have probably already worked out the video, but hey, the song is 47 years old (eek!), so maybe not all?

The thing that probably inspired this blog was an advert, at a bus stop that I passed today. It was selling Tesco Diet Coke (which I already drink, save promotion claims), but the sale point was the fact that a 2 litre bottle of Diet Coke had 55 less lumps of sugar in it, than standard coke. Now I knew there was sugar in standard coke, and some form of sweetener (Aspartamene?) in diet coke, so its not as innocent as it seems, but I was still stunned by the amount of sugar in standard coke!

Let me add, that like the sweetener name, I havent checked whether the claim is correct or not before posting this.

I actually prefer Diet Coke, to Standard Coke, the taste suits me better. Fine, a little bit of mild weight watching probably helps to fight off the middle aged spread I’m developing (Hey, I am 60), but I’d rather drink the diet version anyway. Yes, I’d actually drink diet Pepsi in preference to standard Coke, though most places nowadays dont seem to sell both, unlike the good old days. No, I really cant tell any significant difference between the 2 brands, in fact. Just me, I know…

And yes, as you’ve also noticed, I dont actually buy the ‘real thing’, I’m on a budget, lol! Its fine for what I need it, which is basically to help me with food digestion (hiatus hernia), and to take painkiller pills! As a drink, unless its really hot, probably not? Fine in the old days, when I could drink it with vodka, but now I cant do alcohol…

So readers, how is it for you. Coke, or Pepsi? Standard, or diet? Or doesnt it really matter to you? Feel free to comment here, though I doubt anyone will.

OK, video time. Yes, this started as a Coke advert song, and turned into a gold record selling hit! I will always have a soft spot for the New Seekers, as in 1972, it was the first pop concert I ever went to by myself! And yes, I wanted to be Eve Graham, lol! Her parts were the ones I sang along to, even then!

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