An evening companion

Its fair to say this blog comes totally out of left field, due to a couple of events this week. One a conversation, and one I read.

One thing, for reasons best known to myself probably, is that I’ve never been one to shy away from meeting people I’ve got to know online. Its fair to say that in these cases, I’ve known the people for quite a while online beforehand, and even spoken to some of them by phone first, which is a bit different to the scenario I’m going to discuss tonight. It does seem to work for me, given that since that first meet with Kate, we’ve done more than a few holidays together, and I’ve met James more than once as well. Hey, a couple of them I’ve even let brainwash, sorry, hypnotize me, and of course, one of them was how I discovered Clara Johnson, something that is just so special for me.

And yes, this week, I met another fellow author, Betsy, and all went fine. Mind, we were in a hotel, with other guests, but in truth, she was such delightful company that it really didnt matter where it was.

Which is very different to the other side of this matter, as per this side story that I’ve got to read this week.

OK, there is an extra reason for this appealing to me, and anyone who knows my author name will know why! Yes, Merry Brooks, for those who dont! For those interested…

They are also up at Amazon for those who prefer them there, but they pay less commission, so… 😉

I must admit, I’m fascinated as to what life as an escort of that type would be like? I know, clients demand sex, and me, and sex…rolls eyes…! Also, it might be an option if I was 20, pretty, and had all the ‘right bits’, but a plain, Trans Woman who has hit 60, not likely to find out now, lets face it. But fine, to get dressed up, and made up like Meredith, to be someone’s companion for the night might be quite an experience! But unless anyone fancies giving me the chance to find out, I’ll have to settle for reading, and imagining it, I’m sure.

Also, I know these clients are vetted, by good agencies at least, and everything, but how weird would it be to meet someone for the first time, at the start of the evening, when you know where events are expected to lead to? Yes, thats a diplomatic way to put it, lol! And fine, given I dont do sex, yes, I’m not going to make a dream escort lol!

But yes, however weird it might sound, every time I read a story where a woman acts as a classy escort, I do wonder what that sort of life would be like? Any offers, lol?

Fine, video time. This more relates to the ‘other side’ of the sex industry, but I couldnt think of anything more suitable. This is the very edited 3 and a half minute TV version, to save readers time. If you view this on You Tube, there are live version at about 18 minutes available, wow! But fine, I’m looking for something a little bit more classy than the street, lol!


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