Monthly Archives: March, 2013

Just what I always wanted

Yes, I had one of those shopping moments today, when I found an item I’d always longed to own, but never thought I would find. What is it, a pair of silver trousers! And even better, they were an absolute bargain, just £5!

Yes, alright, for sometime I’ve owned a pair of metallic silver leggings. Yes, great fun for me, but not exactly something that a middle aged woman is going to wear out on the street, lets face it, they are designed for the young, party going types, though I suspect they go in as much for pelmet length skirts as leggings anyway, but…

And yes, I’ve got a few silver tops, including sparkly ones, they seem to be easier to find in all honesty. Some of them are meant to be short dresses, but for me, they are tops lol! With my knees, and things…no chance of being otherwise. Its funny, in recent years, trousers in a multitude of colours have appeared, not just the traditional black, blue and grey. And yes, I have got a nice pair in purple, and a green elasticated pair in my collection already. But a pair in silver, or indeed gold, never seen any, well, not at what I call a sensible price anyway, I’m sure some trendy designers do them at £200 a shot, but I’m not made of money, you know!

So, anyway, cut a long story short. I had an afternoon trip out to Doncaster today. I know, hardly the height of the glamour world, but I like it, all the same. Having scoured the shopping centre down town, I venture outside, as I love strolling around markets (decent one here), and also there is a very good charity shop in that direction too. Yes, found a very nice pair of shoes there (£4.99), comfy brogue type in size 7, just perfect as my current pair are 8’s, and without socks are just a little too big in all honesty. They dont slip off as such, but are loose enough to be annoying, and rub a bit. Err, yes, they are silver btw. These were blue, nice enough for work, but not wide enough sadly. Ah well… I must stop wearing socks, women dont wear socks with shoes, so…

Then I see this shop opposite, everything £5, so the banner in the window said. As one never to miss a bargain, I checked it out. And what do I see, silver trousers! Yes, they had gold too, but…Snag, biggest pair they have is a size 12, and as you know by now, I’m normally a size 14. So I grumble to myself, and leave them on the rail. Go to a bargain shoe shop nearby, find a nice pair in black at £12.99, and buy them, still thinking if only the charity shop pair had fitted…

Anyway, back past this other shop, and I think, well, they’ve got a fitting room, lets try on those size 12’s, and see if they fit. I know they wont, or so I think, but…either they are generously sized, or its a US size thing (no idea, where stock was from btw), but they fit! So unsurprisingly, they came home with me!

The naughty side of me thinks I should wear a silver top, the silver trousers and shoes to work, and see what reaction I get. To be honest, the whole silver thing might be quite apt for the chaotic mayhem that will be Cheltenham festival week at work, but not sure the bosses would see it that way lol! Wonder if I can find a silver hood too lol? 😉

But yes, delighted to find a pair at last, I must say. Probably should have got a gold pair too in hindsight, but too late now! Didnt even look to see if they had my size, but probably did.

The video, an under rated artist from the 80’s, the song title you might have already guessed!

Is spring on the way?

I only ask because the weather forecast for this week is suggesting that the temperature will break 50, and thats quite something, even more so as I’m off most of the week! No, I dont put great faith in weather forecasts in all honesty, but we will wait and see. Who knows, I might end up wearing shoes at some point this week, and maybe even a skirt, or at least a lighter coat. Given the mornings are still cold, and I’ve got an early start for work tomorrow, it wont happen just yet, thats for sure!

Tuesday will be miracle making day, getting my hair highlighted and cut in the morning, it needs both! Then in the afternoon, the nails will be touched up, and the back (and other areas) massaged. After that, the week is mine! It makes it pretty much 3 days for travelling around in all honesty, I dont tend to do so much at weekends, I prefer it when the streets, and shops are quieter in all honesty. Not that I plan to go far, saving all that up for 7 weeks time when I go to the US. But equally, some time in the fresh air, just doing my own thing will be nice.

And no, as I discovered, there isnt really any real shopping needs that I have, but if I see a bargain, well…I might get it all the same 🙂 And yes, I’m a creature of habit, so going somewhere new isnt likely to happen either. I’m also of course limited by where is easily reachable by public transport of course. Somehow or other, I think I might avoid Leeds though, unless I get good reason, I see enough of that place as it is!

But yes, I might get out of boots this week, I might even get out of trousers, I prefer the chances of the former though lol! The video, well, the weather forecast suggests more than 1 of these, but lets wait and see…