Here comes summer?

Seriously, just at the moment its hard to believe that spring started 3 days ago, and we go over to Britsh Summer Time a week from now! Anyone reading this over here in the UK probably knows the tale, a massive snow dump this weekend, judging by my efforts to walk in it this morning, about 8-12 inches in all, I would guess? Even more ironic given that this weekend last year, the temperature got up nearly to 70, and today it couldnt even reach freezing point at 32!

But something happened today that has never happened to me before, I set out for work, but never got there. Not my fault, but all the same, a hell of a culture shock given we are nearly at the end of March. Put it this way, I knew it was going to be hard work, I warned work accordingly before I even left here of that. I couldnt check on the internet to see if any buses were running (they werent) because the Metro website had crashed, through overuse!

Anyway, I walked the best part of a mile through deep snow, hoping that if I hit the main road, there might be some buses on there (no!) as that road would be clearer, but it was hard work to put it mildly. As stated, no, no bus came along. Just as I was pondering which option to take, to give up and go home, or walk into town, along came a lady in a taxi, and offered us a lift. So I got to town at least. Next, the railway station. Got there, train supposedly due just over 5 minutes later, running chronically late! Got on, had to stand, but hey, under the circumstances, lets just get to Leeds, and play it from there.

Thing is, train didnt leave, just sat in the station. About 20 minutes later they admit that there are points, and signal problems ahead, no idea if and when we might be leaving. About 10 minutes of this, and I give up, start to head for home, via a shop to let work know I’m not going to get there. Walk about 2 miles back home, in the snow, ploughing my way through. Hey, I think I know how a dog in the Iditarod feels now lol!

I have no idea if tomorrow is going to be any easier, but at least I now know how long it takes me to walk into town! Snag is, whether the replacement buses (yes, definitely no trains tomorrow, engineering work) will be able to get to Leeds anyway! Wait and see, I guess!

Oh, the video, yes, a piece of pure Stevie Lou cynicism here! Almost as old as me, and thats saying something!

4 weeks from now, I’m on holiday, fingers crossed for better weather by then!

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