In The Early Morning Rain

Seriously, I have no idea what happened to those temperatures in the 50’s, but they never happened. Today at least, it struggled to hit 40, let alone anything more than that. And given that it drizzled, or worse, most of the day, I didnt bother to go out. I did yesterday though, went over to Bradford, for some fresh air and a stretch of the legs. And yes, alright, I came back with 2 tops from charity shops, at a combined cost of £2.99, hey! Err, they both cost a lot more than that originally, I should think. I also came back with a pink dress from the market, cost £10. No, alright, I’m not sure I need it, or how often I’ll wear it, but it was nice, and looked a bargain to me, so…

Right, the down point, I wore my new shoes. Yes, new shoes, and no socks, for a few hours walking around town, yes, they rubbed a bit. Alright, a bit might be a lot, but anyway…a couple of toes are now a bit tender, but not as bad as they were last night! Yes, I’ve tried to stretch the shoes since then lol! I’m sure they will be fine now, and the toes will recover in time too.

But now, wait for it, the weather gets worse! Its being forecast that we will get snow here tomorrow afternoon, so even if I was contemplating an outing on a Saturday (not seriously), that would be enough to put me off anyway, even if it wasnt for the fact it will be raining before then anyway. No, I dont need to go out, but as its going to mean 3 days in a row without going out, I might get restless before I go back to work on Monday. No, Sunday, and public transport (even more so with rail engineering work around here at present) as it is, I wont be going anywhere, I very much doubt.

Oh, and in other news, I’ve been writing again. No, nothing that JK Rowling and her like have to worry about, its a quicky, under 2000 words. Nothing classy, sort of plays to my kinks, but I’ll leave that as all I’m telling you on here. Lets just say that the ‘heroine’ might wear something silver at one point lol. But yes, it was fun, even if it only happened because I’m off most of this week, I wouldnt have the time otherwise.

Oh, and for those of a gambling nature reading this, no, I wont be giving any tips for Cheltenham next week in this blog, despite my job lol! Still dont have a clue about what will win, all the same. And no, I wont be wearing silver to work next week, however apt it might be, given how crazy it will be. Well, not unless someone wants to sponsor me to do so, for Comic Relief and all that…silver hood needed if you want me to do that, mind, lol! 😛

Right, now to the video. A comment on the weather, and yes, unfortunately, I am old enough to remember this first time around

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