Going back?

I suppose if you’ve lived in, or around one area all your life, then this probably wont mean much, but if you’ve lived in a few areas of the country as I have, then…

I lived in, or around Yeovil for nearly 17 years, arriving early in ’83, and leaving there late in ’99, working in one place in town, all that time. ironically, I work for the same company again now, though the shop has moved in the meanwhile, but not far! From there I moved to Newbury for a couple of years or so, before various events meant I had to move on again, which I’d rather not talk about, as they are of a personal nature.

I know Yeovil has changed a lot since then, had contact with a couple of people in that area, and they tell me I wouldnt recognise parts of it. Newbury, havent really got much idea, but I suspect its changed a bit too.

The silly thing is, I sort of have a strange hankering to visit these places again, but I’m just not sure its a wise thing to do after so long. Not only will the places have changed, the people will have done so too, and I’m unlikely to meet anyone I knew back then, and even if I did, they probably wouldnt recognise me for obvious reasons lol! I sort of initially discovered what was ‘wrong’ with me when I moved to Newbury, but was still trying to deny it, in public at least at that point. Yeovil only ever knew me as a guy in all honesty, though neither place ever saw the female me, its fair to say.

So, is it just a silly idea to want to go back after so long, or is it something I should do, if only so I can toss away a few ghosts of that time? As you might gather, I definitely have mixed thoughts over the idea.

Right, musings over, I suspect some are only waiting for the video option anyway lol! This is one from my teen years, the first group I ever saw in concert, in Chatham, though this lineup isnt the one I saw, there had been 2 changes by then. Always wanted to be Eve Graham, 30 years or so later, I found out why! Hope you enjoy, as always…


3 responses

  1. I could see you in that group.

    And I think the question of going back to Yeovil and Newbury hinges on your agenda. Do you intend to meet folks there? If so, how do you intend to bring up the changes in your life? You would need to be prepared for them not to accept it.

    If, however, you just want to spend a day, walk about, have a lunch, and go home finding yourself a wee bit please that you don’t still live there, with a few questions answered, I say go for it.


  2. No, it would be more to see the places again, than meet people. Its 12 years since I was in Yeovil, 10 since Newbury, so people will have changed, and others will have moved on (or passed on) anyway.

    Would be more like a 3 day or so trip, whichever one I went to, both are about 150 miles from here, so not possible as much less, given travelling time involved for me.


    1. Then go and enjoy . . .


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