Category Archives: Flapper Style

Getting back to someone’s youth. Not mine!

Well, in a date sense at least, because if this works out, I might really be the flapper girl, though for one night only! Sadly, unless Clara wants to pass me some of her dancing talents, I wont be doing the Charleston, or anything! Oh, and I must give thanks to ‘Rebecca’ for finding this for me in the first place, as I’m thrilled she did.

Right lets start with the issues as to why this might only be a might. As you can see from this link the event is in Blackpool, which is a decent distance from me, even more so when you’re a non driver like me! So yes, given its ‘until late’, its safe to say I’d need to stay the Friday night in Blackpool, afterwards as well. Also, as you might note, it would involve a second trip to Blackpool as well, to transform me into a cute young flapper, for fitting, discovering about the venue, and my role, and in theory, learning about the film, which fine, I might already know! 😉 The other thing I suspect is that as hidden above, they might be looking for young flappers to party, and I’m well, 60! Get my hair properly bobbed, well, maybe…? 😉

Yes, that might end up being the other big snag for me actually doing this, it is actually on my 60th birthday! Thats not saying it wouldnt be the most perfect birthday present for me, doing something like this, and the night away having ‘flapper fun’, but others might have plans that I dont yet know about, given its a landmark one! There is also the cost issue, given I can now only work a 4 day week, but for something like this, I might decide to just ignore that fact! Would be so much fun letting my inner ‘Clara Johnson’ loose!

I only wish this was nearer, or on almost any other date, because ‘genuinely’ playing a flapper for a night would be fantastic fun. Its an era I’ve always loved, so to play the role, doing something like that would be a dream. Fine, would be so much more fun if I was in my twenties, so I looked the young flapper, but hey, if they say yes…? I know, you dont have to be an actress, but I cant see that being an issue, I’m not a diva, darlings! Besides, its been a while, so…

But yes, Bradford, or Leeds, please note, a repeat of doing this, later this year, would be very much appreciated!

Still, I have applied, and well, who knows? 😉

Video time. I was looking for the original version, from the movie, but I assume its been removed from You Tube, for copyright issues? But I’ve still got a legend, Angela Lansbury performing instead. Please note, she’s 42 when this was filmed! Have to be young, to be a flapper, hmm? 😉

Give A Little Bit

No, dont panic, I’m not expecting you to pay me any money or anything to read this, or even look at the pictures. However, I was sort of collecting at work yesterday for breast cancer charity for doing this, and did consider setting something up for people to donate from here, but seriously, by the time Go Fund Me (or whoever) took their share out of what is likely to be a tiny sum, I cant see any point! However, if the amusement of this leaves you so inclined to do so, then feel free to do so directly to the relevant charity in your Country, they’ll probably get more money that way. If you dont want to do it for your own charity, for whatever reason, then send it to a UK one. If you want to say Harlean sent you lol…?

So yes, yesterday it happened, and I must admit, it was great fun dressing up again, this time as an elf. Oh, photo? Fine…Behave, girl!

Before you ask, 2 donations already, plus 1 more tomorrow, so…if you wish to add? 😉

There were 2 other wonderful people who also got dressed up for the day, so I didnt just have the idea to my(s)elf about this. I’m sure they wont mind me posting this, but if they do, and in years to come, this blog doesnt make sense, you know why!

Will I do it again, given the chance? You bet I will! Seeing theaters, and other media people arent rushing for my services nowadays, it will probably be the only way I do!

As for today, back as a human all day…

In recent months I got a couple of vouchers for various rewards, one for being a clever golf tipster (not mentioned before), and one for the transgender presentation I did for work (mentioned before). But being a practical Yorkshire lass, I hadnt got around to spending them, until today…

Given the old creaking bones nowadays find going out to work hard enough, the thought of going into town looking for things, especially at this time of year holds no appeal for me. So, I was limited to sites I could shop from online, that I could use through my ‘One4All’ reward card. So I looked at a few sites, suitably unimpressed, and then saw TK Maxx was available. So, checking it out, I found this and bought it! Put it this way, I certainly wouldnt buy it at the so called normal price, but at that price, of course I did!

I then went for the work voucher, which I put on Amazon to spend, and had a look around. After much looking, and trying to decide what to do, I ended up taking a different course to plan. I was hoping to find a ‘long’ flapper style dress for about the £25, but no joy. Then again, lets face it, young flappers were looking to show their legs, not hide them! But fine, I’m not young, so…I did find a nice, maxi length one, but it was about £40, so no… In truth, I do own 2 flapper style dresses, both above the knee, and never likely to be worn by me outside of home!

So what did I do, you ask? Well, of course I now know of a second movie that Clara Johnson appeared in, so I’ve added that to my collection. ‘Strike Me Pink’, supposedly starring Eddie Cantor, but for me, featuring a certain Miss Johnson will shortly be winging its way to me. I also went on a silver color clothing hunt, and found a silk skirt, with elasticated waistband, so got that instead. Both wont arrive until New Year, movie from US, skirt from China, but at least I’ve now finally spent the vouchers!

Oh, and the blog title, nothing to do with the charity campaign, and everything to do with some ghastly Amazon adverts! Guess what, the video is that song, only sung decently by original Supertramp member, Roger Hodgson

Well, I guess this makes me a pro?

Firstly, let me go back to events yesterday. Yes, Julia went on stage at York, and from what I’ve seen, was brilliant. Yes, I’ve seen the film via Facebook, cant yet find it on You Tube, so you will just have to take my word on that. Hopefully, at some point…?

Yesterday also ranked as the weirdest day at work I’ve ever done, and given thats a 43 year period, that takes some doing. I did consider whether a very wintry day in the betting shops, where there was 1 greyhound meeting that survived, and we took 12 bets all day might top it, but I doubt it.

Basically, the system was down for the day, so there was a message on the phone system advising prospective callers of this, and advising them to ring back during the week, but we had to have a few of us in, just in case people ignored that, and came through to us, so…I got 1 call all day! Day not wasted though, did lots of my apprenticeship stuff (yes, I know, at 59, but has to be done, so…!), also applied for a pathway course to management in Civil Service as well. Yes, diversity candidates desired. I’m not sure, I’m going to be 61 by the time the course ends, and even if they dont give in on retirement age, I’ll only have 5 years to go, so…But yes, I needed to do something! Did some practice tests, seemed to go OK, but anyway…

The other thing I did, technically, was become a professional performer. Yes, I got ‘paid’ for my presentation last week. Oh fine, technically it was a reward payment for doing it, but yes, I’m an actress with a mischievous sense of humor, so I’m saying that makes me a professional performer. No, I dont expect that to create a rush of offers from Broadway, Hollywood, or even small professional companies, but you never know, lol! Professional speaker on LGBT and Transgender issues, hmm? No, I doubt that very much either!

Oh, my fee? £25, but seriously, thats the first time I’ve been paid to perform, ever! Well, that I remember, anyway…? Treated myself to an Amazon voucher (email version), but have failed to find a controlling robot suit at any price, let alone £25 lol! 😛 Question is, if I find a stylish (ideally full length) flapper, or 30’s style dress, does that count as a business expense for an actress? 😉

Lastly, lets get this mentioned on the right day of the year this time around, its Nancy Carroll’s birthday today. She would have been 114, so you wont be surprised to hear she died over 50 years ago. But…? I have a friend in Australia, named Diane, who uses a picture of Nancy on her Facebook page, which leaves me wondering if…? No, I’m sure she didnt really time travel, just before her death, move to Australia, and…? 😉 All the same, she’s a lover of movies from that era, so…hmm? Yes, she probably will kill me for this, or would if we werent on opposite sides of the world!

Lets see, video time. Well Nancy Carroll was a fine dancer, as was my past life self, Clara Johnson. Indeed, they may well have worked together, who knows? Thing is, last year, I used the best video of Diane, sorry, Nancy dancing, and its possible Miss Johnson was there too. So lets do something different tonight instead. This was a hit in the 1970’s, recorded live at the start of this year. Very good it is too, and its what both young ladies did

Back on the high stage again

No, dont get excited, I havent got a movie, or theater offer just yet. But next month I’ll be doing a Diversity & Inclusion presentation for a large group of people (about 110, I’ve been told) in Leeds, about life in my Civil Service Department, ooh! No script, well, not unless I write my own, anyway. To be honest, I might do a few notes, but generally I’m pretty sure I’ll just go with the flow, so often its the easiest way with things like this. A fortnight on Wednesday, for those interested, though I’m pretty sure there will be no tickets for the general public lol. Yes, it is a piece on Transgender life, so yes, I do know the subject matter pretty well, I guess?

Seemingly the approach was made on Thursday, though I didnt pick it up until Friday, as I’ve cut back on my working week of course. A quick check for approval from bosses (its on a working day), and I replied positively. One moment of amusement was when she rang up later that day to confirm details, she mentioned the numbers involved, and asked if I would be OK with that, and then after she’d said it, remembered I’d said about being an actress, so…all fine! In truth, it will be interesting to see how I react, given its been a while, other than the wedding, where I have been ‘on show’ to this number of people, but I’m sure its just like riding a bike, anyway.

I have no great idea what the dress code is for a presentation like this, but I’m going to assume, unless told otherwise, its going to be business smart wear. So yes, I will wear a nice dress, and get my hair curled 30’s style, either on the day, or the day before, depending what time I need to be there. No, I wont wear anything as clingy as Harlow would, or as revealing as a chorus line dancer (Miss Johnson) would have to for such an event, principally because I have an obvious issue with too revealing (unless a surgeon is offering to remedy that quickly), and besides, its not fit for a moment like this. I think my ‘publicity manager'(Yes, Madi, I mean you) would love it if I went all flapper, and agreed it might be fun, but apart from the fact those dresses are quite short, they arent winter wear over here, and November might be cold lol! So I’m pretty sure that it will be 30’s look, to some degree. More classy look anyway lol. There is also the factor that I need something that I can hide the brace corset underneath, lets face it, only way I’m going to stand for about 15 minutes or so!

No, sadly I’m not expecting any Hollywood, or Broadway agent representation at the event, a girl can only wish! Nor do I expect them to be able to grab it on You Tube either, ah well…

But who knows, getting back on a stage might just get infectious, and I’ll see where it goes from there. In truth, my long term standing issues might make things complex, but…its a comeback at least!

The video, well, its one word different to the blog title lol! 😛

Huddersfield Town, arent you the Cats Whiskers?

Oh, for those completely baffled by that title, try some flapper girl language lol! Oh fine, it means you’re the best, super, brilliant, and other terms like that.

I know, I know, I dont like football/soccer in the slightest, but I can hardly ignore events earlier today, concerning my current home town, could I? Today, in some ‘far away’ town called London, our local team played a game that puts them in the Premier League next year, and supposedly is worth over £100 million to them, presumably in TV rights, and other sponsorship money, and all that. Yes, as you can see, my knowledge of the sport, pretty much zero, and I hope it stays that way!

Thanks to Wikipedia, I now know that the last time Huddersfield were in the top league, was back in 1972. Not that they were any good then, obviously, but at least Huddersfield’s MP was the leader of the Labour Party, Harold Wilson, whose statue is outside Huddersfield Station. Thankfully, as yet, the current social media star of the town (yes, that cat), doesnt have one! 1972, when, if things had worked out differently for me, an innocent schoolgirl might have been learning all about kissing boys (or back then, heaven forbid, girls). Ah well… PS If anyone knows how to send me back in time, and let me live my whole life as a physical woman, I might not say no. 😉 Option to start at teen years, lol!

So why the flapper talk, I hear you ask? Well, because back in the 1920’s, when footballers werent all grossly overpaid prima donna’s, Huddersfield were one of the leading teams in the land. Yes, they won the FA Cup in 1922, and the first division (as it was known back then) 3 seasons running, shortly after that. Up to WW2, they still had a decent side, getting decent league positions, and doing well in the FA Cup, but after that…not a lot!

OK, lets get practical. Short of something amazing happening (and Bournemouth have proved it can be done), its likely to be a short stay in the top league. One season, maybe two, who knows, who cares? In truth, it will be swings and roundabouts for me, with Saturday working. Those times when they kick off at 3.00 on a Saturday, its probably going to be worse getting home from town, as I try to get out of town about the same time as the crowds empty out. But because of the demands of the TV stations, live games kick off at all sorts of weird, and wonderful hours, so there will be less of those Saturday afternoon games.

So yes, good luck, Huddersfield Town for next season. Just dont expect to see me going to any games, or any other involvement, mind lol!

Yes, you’re expecting a 20’s moment with the video, I trust? If not, you’re getting one anyway! 😛

Memories of my days in the sun

So this is it, the last blog from LA for a considerable period of time at least, if ever again. I know, I could come back again, and may even need to come back again sooner than that, but being practical, I have many other places to see, some for the first time, some for repeat visits, so its going to be a while, if ever again. And yes, at my age, with the distance involved, and I’m sure the deterioration of my physical health, which is far from perfect even now, I’m sure I wont be able to do as much then, as I can now, anyway. I’m already suspecting that delights like walking up the long hill at Forest Lawn might be beyond me by then at least, but we will see.

To be fair, if you’d told me back in October ’15, that my next holiday would be back here, I would have laughed at you, but its happened. I guess I just wanted to show this city that I’d battled through everything that life had thrown at me, and got here again. But now thats done…?

In some ways today has been a light day, I havent actually left Hollywood. However, I spent a lot of the day on my feet, walking, so maybe not as light as all that? It was actually interesting going on a guided walking tour of Hollywood, where I knew the guide! I know, end of holiday, but in truth, it didnt matter, as I got to visit lots of old buildings that I’d never have got into myself. Oh fine, the one that amused me the most, has to be Musso and Frank’s! Yes, I finally got to go in there, if only for coffee, but at least I now know what it actually looks like from the inside. Of course, for works of fiction, thats a mere technicality, but at least I’ve made it there now. Yes, its every bit as impressive as I’d been led to believe. So if I ever want to use it in a story again lol…?

The other thing I’d already decided was where my last big meal in town would be, and though its not bargain basement, its cheaper than that legendary place. So I settled for the 50’s feel of Mels Diner, for one last time. After that, a couple of final, final goodbyes, at the star, and prints of Jean Harlow, before heading back to base. I do wish there was a star to the uncredited chorus girls/bit part actresses of the world, but no, there isnt, so I just said goodbye to Clara Johnson generally, as I turned off the Boulevard for the last time, on foot at least.

What can I say? You can take a woman out of Yorkshire, but you cant take Yorkshire out of a woman? Yes, I stopped off at a gorgeous, quirky, vintage clothing store on the way back, and saw the most gorgeous, silver flapper dress, really looked the part. Had my size too, but I didnt get it. Why? Because I cant justify spending $65 (plus tax, I’m sure) on a dress I have no idea when, or where I would ever wear it. So yes, I know I’ll regret it, but it stayed in the shop. I could get it in the morning (shop opens at 11, I have to be ready to go at 12.30, and its about 5 minutes walk), but I know I wont.

The only walk I’m planning at present to do in the morning, is a short trip around the block, so that I can walk a little way up Beachwood Drive, looking at the Hollywood sign, one more time. No, I’m not going as far as Verbena though, thats far too far for the short period of time I have left ‘in the sun’ of LA.

Yes, thats it for here. Pretty sure you’ll have to wait until Monday for the next blog, I’ll have too much catching up to do on Sunday for that.

The video. I’m surprised I havent used this Elaine Paige classic before, but seemingly I havent (well, on 1 blog at least), so lets use it now

Putting on the Brooks

In the last week or so, I’ve actually got around to starting to look for options, beyond the ones I already knew about, for my trip to LA. Sadly the only thing that the Rooftop Cinema was playing, that was old enough for me to be interested (in other words, early 50’s at the most modern) was already a sell out, so no go. I would say the one modern film I’d love to see, and havent yet, is La La Land, for obvious reasons, and ironically, thats playing there the weekend that I come back to the UK. But fine, it was sold out already, anyway!

So, play Plan B, which I probably would have looked at anyway, which is the Egyptian Theater. Bit further away from where I’m staying, but still only about a 20 minute walk, and…oh joy! My only Saturday evening in town, not only is there 1 movie there that I would love to see, but 2! And all for 1 price!

These wont be the first Brooks films I’ve seen on a big screen, Pandoras Box, in Leeds, was the first. And now I get the chance to see 2 of the 3 next most famous Brooks movies (Prix De Beaute would be the other for me) in Hollywood, in a historical setting! Fine, I’ll advertise it too much, and it will be a sell out, and …No, sadly I’ve failed to find any Harlow movie being shown on a big screen in town, while there. If anyone knows differently, second half of May?

I did think about taking a flapper style dress with me, and trying to find a black bob wig, but in truth, these 2 movies are pretty removed from Brooks, and the flapper look. One is a pretty dark movie, the other has Brooks trying to look like a boy, so…Besides, I’m not sure my knees should be seen in public!

But yes, I have now got 1 definite date on my holiday calendar lol! There are numerous things I will do at some point, but no planned date yet, including Dodgers baseball!

No, I havent gone for the obvious OMD, Louise Brooks video here, which might surprise some. And in truth, this is more 30’s, than 20’s, but fine, its catchy, and when I might get to use it, if not now…?

So come to the Cabaret!

Yes, fine, no prizes whatsoever for working out what the video is tonight!

Of course, when it comes to wild behavior, and the like, Germany, in those crazy years before Hitler took control, was a pretty wild place, especially Berlin. No qualms about homosexuality back then lol. And of course, across the Atlantic, especially in, and around Hollywood in that era, the Flapper ruled the roost. That was pretty wild too. And of course, all ended only by the Great Crash, though I suspect that at some point, a new craze would have kicked in, anyway.

Mind, in the middle, and indeed in the city where Wall Street crashed, was New York. To be fair, things were pretty wild with Harlem, and jazz, but seemingly things were even wilder than that! Well, according to this article they were, at least

I wonder what they made of that in North Carolina lol! The interesting thing seems to be the fact, that the demise of this, came at the same time as prohibition was repealed. Coincidence, I doubt it?

With all this 20’s, and 30’s stuff I’m seeing of late, maybe I should go out tomorrow night, dressed as a Flapper? Probably not! Yes, I’m not sure my legs are really up to a dress like that, about knee length anyway, but apart from anything else, its not really warm enough over here to show that much leg in public, especially at my age!

Yes, I’m out tomorrow night for a meal, my belated birthday meal, now that the rent issue has been sorted out, we can afford it. Yes, I will wear a dress, and heels, but may well be something longer than flapper length! In fact, I’m sure it will be.

Yes, as I say, the video is the obvious one, and its the movie version.

Tonight we’re going to party like its 1929!

Apologies for the lack of the obvious video here, but seemingly his purple-ness doesnt like them up on You Tube, so I discover. In truth, given the eras I’ll be talking about, this might be more apt, anyway.

Earlier today, I got a message about an event being arranged at the National Rail Museum, in York, which not surprisingly, appealed to me greatly. This one, for those interested, and at least gives another clue to the year in the blog title.

Yes, not hard to see why it appeals to me, is it? And free too! At the moment, the fact that its a Thursday evening isnt a problem for me at present, its the issue of the fare to get there, and back, and the expenses of the evening, that however restrained you are, there are going to be some! Even more so, as “The Flapper” would need a taxi back from town, as the buses would be long stopped by the time I got back. And if you think I’m walking up from town, at 11.30 at night, in a flapper length dress, no chance! So, even being good, I suspect not much change out of £40, and could easily add £10 to that, given I’d probably want to get my hair done, and everything!

The only consolation is, there is no need to buy tickets in advance, or even reserve anything, so I can think about it, at least. But being practical, and being broke, not going to happen, I’m sure. Unless some dashing beau, or girl, wants to take me…? You’re talking just over £25 of that cost is travel, so without that?

I know, but if any generous person wants to whisk away a poor, broke Flapper, for the night, would be nice! I’ve even got a headband somewhere, though I have no idea where at present! But I could find it, I’m sure…

Talking of irony, and mentioning 2 people I talked about in the last blog, I discovered tomorrow is actually a major anniversary. Yes, one year ago today, I was excitedly preparing for my first trip to Hollywood, 10 days, starting the next day. I know, if you’d told me then that my work situation would be as glum as a Flapper’s in 1929, I might not have been so excited. But back then, in those glorious days…

And yes, I was getting ready for, and excited at the thought of a night, in vintage style, back then, as well. Yes, slightly more modern, the 1940’s, but a vintage party, all the same. That delight was an incredible birthday present, from James, and Kate, and included a meal, some dancing (no, not me, 2 left feet), and a film, all with a vintage feel, at the Egyptian Theater, in Hollywood. Wow, that was some night. Even more so, as I think that walking back to the hotel afterwards, is the furthest I’ve ever walked in high heels, and will hopefully stay that way. Nearly a mile, in high heels, not used to wearing them, ouch! Actually, it wasnt as bad as I expected, but dont tell everyone that! Even so, normally, if I’m walking far, it will still be flats, or low block heels, at best.

But, yes, if someone wants to enable me to party like its 1929, a fortnight from now, I’d love to!

The video, as I say, I couldnt get the “more modern” Prince song. But I found this random gem, which is probably more apt!

Whatever’s written in the fates

So fine, when I wrote the Robin Williams tribute last night, I wasnt seriously expecting to cover the same ground tonight. But lo and behold, when I woke this morning, it was to the news that Lauren Bacall had gone to her maker overnight, admittedly at a far grander age of 89, and not by her own hands.

Its a sad fact for folks like me, but the number of stars from that ‘Golden Age’ of Hollywood is nearly gone. Day, De Havilland, and Reynolds are 3 names that come to mind, and I’m sure there are others, but not many. Hard to believe that its not that long that we lost our last connection to the silent era, but then again, she was about 113 when she died! Not the normal lifespan lol!

I guess, to bring up the line from so long ago, Bogart whistled, and Bacall came.

Rest in peace, Lauren.

I’ll include the video at this point, it seems the right place. Another who has departed this world, a beautiful song

Right, and on a more light hearted note…

Some time ago, in a charity shop in Wakefield, I found a top that looked like it had appeared from the 1920’s, and said, buy me. The label in it definitely isnt that modern, but whether its genuine vintage, who knows? Lets just say that in the area of the boobs, its definitely a V cut. So fine, this week, I felt guilty about never actually wearing it, so I’ve put it on. Now, all this might not be helped by the bra I’ve got on, I’ve a feeling its one of those ‘push you up’ bras, so the combination of the 2…has my boobs shouting quite loudly, ‘hello boys!’

Now I know some Trans folk quite like to flaunt their figure, but I’m not one of them!

I think part of the thing is, that girls, back in the 1920’s tended to either have very small boobs, or barely anything at all. Whereas modern girls…lets just say that 20’s tops are not designed for modern cleavages, unless you want them to poke a man’s eyes out.

OK, some might say, it might help me find a man, but do I really want a man who could only possibly love me for them? So fine, when I went out this afternoon, I put on a different top, one that kept my ‘puppies’ under wraps, so to speak.

Given that one guy, in a car, noticed them anyway, is beside the point, god knows what he would have done had I been wearing this top, had a crash, probably! But fine, given I dont want my boobs regarded as weapons of mass destruction, I definitely had better not wear this top out.

I love it, but…I’m a 30’s girl, fuller figured, not a flat chested flapper lol!

Ah well, live and learn…